My husband bought me an ESV Journaling Bible for Christmas in 2014. I have loved having the space to take notes when I am at church. So often I can’t remember all the nuggets of wisdom that my pastor has to offer each week and by writing it down I can go back and look through it at a later date and remember.
When I got the bible I did some research about the best pens, highlighters etc. that I should use on the delicate pages. Searching unearthed (at least for me) the new trend of people illustrating their faith in the pages of their bible.
The work that these artists are doing is so incredible, I had to share a few of my favorites:
Beautiful work by Tiffany Zajas. Simple, yet that tangible reminder to bloom where you are planted.
Jaime was featured over at the Illustrated Faith website and I love that she uses stickers, colored pencils, washi tape and her own {amazing} handwriting to make this page her own!
And finally this from Bekah, also featured at Illustrated Faith has used watercolors and paper cutouts to add whimsy to her page.
I will be honest with you when I started seeing all these beautiful pictures I was a little overwhelmed. I am more of a paint by numbers kind of girl and my handwriting leaves much to be desired. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to create something so beautiful in my own bible.
And then I heard about the Illustrated Faith line from Dayspring.
Initially I purchased some stickers, I thought that it would be a place to start. Then when I had the opportunity to review a full Illustrated Faith kit, I jumped at the chance!
The kit arrived and was packed so pretty. I received the Blessings or Lessons Illustrated Faith set.
Here were the Items in the kit:
- 1 devotional booklet (14 devotionals)
- 1 stamp pad
- 1 clear stamp collection with 1 sheet of cut outs enclosed
- 1 roll of washi tape
- 1 package of 3 Scripture sharables
- 1 sticker
- 1 bow clip
I love that the kit came with a devotional, I hadn’t expected that! Each month a new kit is available and has just enough to get a novice like myself started.
I decided to start by just placing the Scripture sharables in my bible where the verses are found. This way I have them with me and can share them as an opportunity arises.
I tried a couple of the stamps out, but they do recommend that you use an acrylic block to fix the stamps to before you use them. I didn’t have a block so I tried to wing it. One of the stamps slipped a little when I was taking it off the page. The block would have prevented that…so it is on my list of things to purchase.
I told you I am a novice at this, but it is fun! I want to get some colored pencils and maybe color around the stamp featured above. There are endless possibilities really with what you can do with just 1 kit!
I am even more excited to start using the sticker sets that I purchased but was afraid to try. Maybe this brings me back to those days when we decorated the covers of our notebooks with NKOB stickers and pictures (maybe that was just me, ha!)…it was fun to create then and I guess I had forgotten how something like this is fulfilling for a creative’s soul!
If you haven’t ever tried this form of creative journaling…maybe now is the time to start!!
For more information about the woman who designed this incredible collection see the video below! Email subscribers click here.
I was sent the Illustrated Faith kit in exchange for my honest review but even more exciting is that the lovely people at Dayspring have a kit to send to one of my readers! I am telling you that you want this!! To enter leave a comment sharing your favorite item from the Dayspring site or tell me if you have done any Bible Journaling yourself. Share this post on FB or Twitter for additional entries, just leave me a comment saying what you have done! 🙂
I will pick a winner on June 13th!
Photo Credit: Kit picture compliments of Dayspring
I love reading your writing. I have not gotten a journal Bible yet but it’s on my wish list. I do write In my Bible a lot though ?
I love that you are taking the journaling Bible to church and taking notes in the margin! I never thought I could be creative enough to make use of a Bible journal, but a pre-made kit might get me started.
I am a novice at bible journaling. But I writems notes. A kit could be a great starting point.
I just purchased my first journaling bible and have been excited to try it out for a while, but much like you I was hesitant. I ordered the Lists by Faith Devotional Kit and now I can’t wait to try the new Blessings of Lessons Kit! Yay!!
I’ve been Bible journaling for a few months now. I am getting so much more out of my daily devotions. I haven’t tried any of the Illustrated Faith kits yet but I would love to. I really like the stamps.
I love this Illustrated Faith Kit! I am not an artist, and this looks like a great way to introduce yourself.
Kristin, I too am a novice at this and just like you my handwriting is not the best. I have preordered a Journaling Bible in LARGE print for at my age my eyesight is not that good. I have highlighters, and a journaling pen, a few stickers and washi tape purchased from Day Spring. I think I kit would be the perfect place for me to test the waters of Bible Journaling
Shared on Twitter. Love your blog. I’m just sorta getting into Bible journaling as well and boy is it a fun adveture!
I just started journaling recently and found that it focuss me during thebsemon on Sundays, I’d live to be able to have a kit to contnue exploring this way of studying the Word!
Congrats Jordan – you are the winner!! I am sending you a tweet now so I can get your mailing address! 🙂