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One thought on “Contact Me

  1. Amy Cresswell

    “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4

    What are the desires of your heart? For me they are not always big things. For example, this year I planted butterfly bushes hoping to attract butterflies to photograph. I love, love butterflies, such delicate, unique, graceful creations! The bushes finally bloomed and the butterflies slowly fluttered to the scene. The Lord met that desire of my heart. Then on a Sunday, my son asked me if any zebra butterflies had appeared with the others. I once captured a shot of a zebra butterfly many years ago but none since. Ben and I both had a desire in our hearts for that. Can I tell you that the very next day, toward the end of my quiet time with God, I looked up to see the object of our desire, the most beautiful zebra butterfly, perched among the flowers!

    Butterflies can become startled and fly away at the slightest detection of movement. I immediately started asking the Lord to hold him there long enough for me to grab my camera and snap some pictures. I was ecstatic, so much so that I shot the first forty pictures with no card in my camera! Again, I asked the Lord to delay the butterfly’s departure and He did. The memory card was inserted and two hundred pictures later, it fluttered off after a forty-five minute photo session.

    I cannot truly express how I felt during and after that occurrence. The God of the universe hand picked this extremely patient, specific butterfly to grace my flower garden thus fulfilling a desire of my heart. He knows me that well. He loves me that much, and my heart soared! What you don’t know is that during my prayer time that morning, feeling a touch battered by life of late, I had expressed to God a need to feel His presence in a special way. And only minutes later, a butterfly overwhelmed me with the presence of the Almighty.

    To be known that intimately and treasured enough to receive a desire of my heart reminded me how cherished I am by Him when sometimes feel so very insignificant. Satan knows that to be a weak spot of mine. This day I felt as though God had stopped everything He was doing, captured this zebra butterfly in His hands for delivery to my flower garden because He wanted me to be reminded of His unfathomable love. The sacrifice of His son, Jesus, on the cross should be more than enough for me to know this, but what can I say? I am just human and oft times a needy one at that.

    With all this said, I want to encourage you to live out Psalm 37:4. Delight yourself in the Lord and allow Him to bless you with the desires of your heart, even the ones that seem so insignificant like perhaps a butterfly! Your delight in him results in Him delighting in you. It is a win-win situation. So, what are you waiting for? Why leave Jesus on the sidelines of your life any longer postponing both His delight and yours? Reach for His hand and seek His face. You will not be disappointed! To God Be the Glory!

    I have a picture that goes with this post as well. Submitting this a a “Guest Post Submission.” Post and picture are on my website.


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