Dominic was at a small group the other day with some men from church. At some point the leader asked everyone to go around the room and share their “proposal story.” These types of prompts can be difficult for us because the reality is we don’t have one.
I have shared here before a little about the path we started out on. It wasn’t easy. When we share our story our hope is that others will see how God used us, even in our sin, for His glory.
We were selfish and self-centered and made adult choices that had big consequences. We were in the camp of “that won’t ever happen to me”…so it was a complete shock when I found out I was pregnant my junior year of college.
The day I found out I called Dominic and we had a conversation. He told me that the best choice was that we get married and take care of our new responsibility.
That was it. No roses or romantic dinner out, no shopping for rings and no down-on-one-knee proposal. We had a conversation and based on our situation made a choice, made a commitment to one another.
But every girl dreams of that romantic proposal, don’t they?
I can’t say I feel cheated necessarily, but I do feel sad that because of our choices, we didn’t get to do it the “right” way. Even Dominic said that he wished that things could have been done differently.
Sin does that though, it robs us of what is best for us. And while a lasting marriage isn’t contingent on the proposal, it is a fun story that is shared over and over.
And as a girl who loves a good story…well it is frustrating that I don’t have one to share in this area.
As I was thinking about it the other night though I recognized that I did have a proposal story. It isn’t what one typically shares at bridal showers, but it is beautiful and romantic in its own way. And it is a proposal that I continue to live out day after day.
Jesus said “Come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28
“By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us…” 1 John 3:16
In one of the most amazing acts of courtship, Christ came to woo each of us to Him. (<====Click to Tweet)
He called us by name, He showed us what true, unconditional love looks like. And then instead of getting down on one knee, He stretched His arms out wide, bore nails in his wrists, and died for each and every sin that we would commit.
All He asks is that we believe in Him, put our faith in Him…and we are promised eternal life.
All too often I am looking at Dominic to be my Jesus.
I want him to fulfill every need that I have. Meet my unrealistic expectations and act perfectly. Things he can’t possibly do. None of us can.
If my happiness is based on Dominic meeting some impossible standard that I have set for him, then I will likely find myself bitter and resentful. The same could be said for him as well. We are human, we fail each other all the time!
God knew we couldn’t be perfect, we couldn’t do it all…and He knew I wasn’t capable of unconditional love.
So He sent a bridegroom that was.
Each and every day I am grateful for that proposal. His gift of grace allows me to live my life with grace for others. I don’t do it perfectly, ever. But I don’t have to.
There is freedom in that isn’t there?!
So while I won’t ever have the fairy-tale “worldly” proposal to share at bridal showers….I know that I am a part of a much bigger, romantic story. Written in the pages of the Bible. And for that I am truly grateful.
Photo Credit: mikecogh
Kristin. What a great blog. I don’t have a proposal story either. While I wasn’t pregnant, we too, decided marriage was the best thing due to some circumstances we were faced with. It was, “So, we should probably get married. It would be easier.”

“Okay. Well, let’s go get some rings”.
But, 26 years later, we still have the rings and I love him to death. <3
26 years – that is awesome! We will celebrate 19 on June 1st!