I kind of feel like the tumbleweed is blowing across the pages of this blog lately! Thank you to those of you that continue to stick around even when I am only posting once or twice a month! I realize that this isn’t probably the right way to “grow” a blog…but I feel like this is a season that God has me in and my dreams in regards to this blog can be put on hold for awhile.
But I have been growing and challenged in new ways and wanted to share those with you a little…to explain my absence here! 🙂
First of all how is it that we are now less than 2 weeks away from the start of school? I am not sure where our summer went, but I am guessing the busyness we have had is in part, a bit of the reason I spend less time writing!
2 weeks ago we traveled to the beautiful Black Hills of South Dakota for a wedding and a family vacation. This was a big deal as it was the first vacation that we planned for our family in 17 years! We have been on a few awesome vacations with my entire family, but the was the first we were able to afford on our own. It was glorious. We got to have both of our parents join us in the fun during the week, rented a beautiful house at the top of a “mountain” and just enjoyed being unplugged (as there was no WiFi available!)
I have a post I will share with more details – but it will be later this month!!
This past spring I signed up to be an Accountability Captain for a group of women as we walked through the book of John with the Hello Mornings group. It was so good to HAVE to be accountable. Apparently I need that when it comes to reading the Bible because if I am not accountable I make up excuses. Not good!
We had wonderful women in our group and I learned so much! But I found that if I really wanted to read and understand the verses I needed to spend adequate time doing so. I often would read 3 different translations (ESV, The Voice and The Message). Doing this gave me a better overall picture of what I was reading. It also took longer (not complaining) but I used to blog in the mornings before anyone else was up and this study took presidence over that!
As a result I was given the opportunity to be an ACE (Accountability Captain Encourager) for the upcoming fall session where we will be studying Ephesians!! I was so honored to ask and now will be praying for and helping 12 other AC’s who are leading their own groups. So again the blog takes a bit of a backseat. And that is ok.
I am finding though that if I want to be effective here, in sharing not only my story – but the love of God….I need to KNOW Him. And the only way to know Him is to spend time with Him, learning about Him. Hello Mornings has given me the push and the tools that I needed to do this.
I believe that eventually (at least I am really hopeful!!), as time permits, when I do share here it is done so in Truth and knowledge that only comes from spending time with God.
So there you have it. A bit of a run down on the past few months and a prayer for the upcoming as well. I do miss the community of beautiful women that stop by here though so know I am praying for you as well!
I love getting this update on you, friend! I am so proud of what you are doing with Hello Mornings and that you have the integrity to know what is most important and stick with it. I think alot of our readers are busy in the summer, too, and aren’t inside, online, as much.
And, that’s a good thing!
Good for you! I loved being an AC, but needed a break this time around, so I stepped down. I will miss my group though 🙁 It’s been pretty quiet all around, it’s probably just summer and everyone is busy. Only a few more weeks though!! So ready for school to start back…does that make me a bad mom?
So thankful for the blessing you are to me, friend! You will be a great ACE, too! Hugs to you…and soon I’ll get to give you a REAL one! 🙂