Tag Archives: #write31Days

31 Days of Finding God – REST

Thank you for joining me in my series 31 Days of Finding God. Each day I am going to use a prompt from Kate and incorporate that into how I am finding God in my everyday!

rest here

Today’s prompt is Rest! 

Resting is not something that comes easily to me. I know that probably sounds crazy, but I rarely take time to sit down and just relax.

Take today for instance, we got home from church and had lunch and then Dominic asked me what I wanted to do today.

The truth was I just wanted to lay on the couch and watch reruns of “Say Yes to the Dress”, but instead I started thinking about the list of things that I probably should do instead….

Laundry, can salsa, make the dessert for small group, vacuum, deal with the quickly aging nectarines in the fridge, build shelves in the garage and basement…the list goes on and on.

And so instead of finding time for rest we go, and go, and go.

It can make us so weary can’t it?

If I take an afternoon and just do mindless sitting I feel guilty. Do you find yourself feeling that way too?

But even God rested. After creating the planet and everything in it, God rested on the 7th day.

So why is it so hard for us to do the same?

I think that as a society we have come to find our worth in all that we do. If we are busy we must be doing something right.

But one can only run at that pace for so long before it takes a toll on the body, mind and spirit.

Today I am challenging myself to finding rest. It may not be every day, but I think it is important to slow down at times and just be still.

It will be a fight for me because it doesn’t come naturally, but I think that if I can embrace rest more I will find that it will refresh my heart and soul. And quite frankly I need that. Don’t we all?!

Do you find it easy to make time for rest? What is your favorite thing to do – I’d love to hear and then maybe just maybe I will try some of your tips for myself!! 🙂

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In Him, Kristin

Photo Credit: Oliver Kendal

31 Days of Finding God – TEACH

Thank you for joining me in my series 31 Days of Finding God. Each day I am going to use a prompt from Kate and incorporate that into how I am finding God in my everyday!


Todays prompt is Teach!

I had a different post in mind for today, but God taught me a lesson in the moments of today that I decided to share that instead.

Today I woke up with a massive headache. Like the type that started while I was sleeping. I was dreaming that I had a terrible headache and then I woke up and realized that it wasn’t a dream. 🙁 A couple of Excedrine and some time with ice packs on my head and neck and I started feeling a little better.

The boys had haircuts this morning and we made very last minute plans to meet my friend Heather to get our family pictures taken. Our schedules are pretty full the next few weeks and I was worried that we wouldn’t have another time to get them done before it got super cold here.

So we set out to meet her early this afternoon. The kids did ok. They always say they are going to behave and smile but the reality is they only mean that for maybe 3 pictures and then they are done. I think Heather was able to get a few shots where we were all looking and hopefully didn’t appear stressed! 🙂

After the pictures we followed Heather to her home. We maybe, sorta bribed Karlena a little with seeing the horses Heather has. Behave and smile…get to see horses. You understand right?!

The minute we pulled in Karlena spotted the horses and RAN towards them. Never mind the electric fence, she wouldn’t care she just wanted to ride.

Now let me remind you that Karlena is 3 1/2. She has been on a horse one other time. That’s it, but you wouldn’t know it.

Waiting for the Horse

She waited as patiently as she was able for Heather and Ashton to get the horse ready to ride.

Ready to ride

She is a natural. She has no fear sitting on top of that massive animal. She just trusts that it will take her in the right direction.

Happy girl

She liked riding with Ashton, but what she really wanted was to ride on her own. She didn’t want to follow, she wanted to lead. She wanted to be in the driver’s seat.

Being led

Because Heather had taught her own daughter to ride she knew that Karlena couldn’t be trusted to go on her own. So she took the reins and helped to lead Karlena around the yard.

Karlena kept asking why she couldn’t just hold the reins?! And we would reminder her that she hadn’t learned yet how to ride, she needed more training…she needed someone to teach her the way to go.

Karlena wasn’t a fan of this. She thought she knew best even when she didn’t.

Aren’t I just the same in my relationship with God?

I feel comfortable with something, think that I have it all under control, and then try and take the reins of my life back.

But the reality is that God is teaching me all the time. I believe that until He calls me home, I will be learning lessons. The question really is, am I willing to let Him lead me?

Will I trust that He knows best? Believe that God has more to teach me each new day? Or will I be over confident and insist that “I can do it!!”

Yes there are times that “freedom” to run might feel like the best option, but if I stay safe in my Father’s care, listening and being open to His teachings, I can let my hair fall back, close my eyes, and trust that He will lead me. There is freedom in that reality too friends, I have seen it in my daughter.

Thank you Lord for the lessons you teach me when I least expect it!!

Hair back

Eyes closed

May the ride be beautiful for you today! 

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In Him, Kristin

Photo Credit: Denise Carbonell

31 Days of Finding God – CARE

Thank you for joining me in my series 31 Days of Finding God. Each day I am going to use a prompt from Kate and incorporate that into how I am finding God in my everyday!


Sometimes I forget how much the little things can make a difference, until I experience it for myself.

Last Wednesday I had shared a prayer request with some friends at church. That evening that we were together the group prayed for me and my family. I am so blessed to be surrounded by a community of people that pray with and for me.

On Sunday one of the women in the group approached me and she asked how things were going. It was an open door to be able to share a little of my heart.

Taking those leaps of faith can be hard can’t they?

I would much rather not share any of the “bad” with you, save my pride and reputation and just look all put together.

But the reality is that I am not all put together most of the time. 

Being able to share the difficult and find acceptance is so important. I hope that I will always be a safe place like that for others.

Both of those things really showed me that I was cared for. But then this friend took it another step further and emailed me yesterday…just asking once again how things were and ending the email with “we have all been there at one time or another…”

We can show how much we care for others by just taking the time to make a call, send an email, be that safe place for another to share a struggle.

It makes a difference.

We might not always get that feedback, we might not always find someone who is willing to share the hard things. But if we don’t put ourselves out there as that safe place,  we may miss an opportunity to show someone how much we care.

This experience reminded me that I need to be willing to ask how others are doing, follow up with a call or an email, lift them up in prayer and be that person willing to show how much they care.

Can you think of a time when you were cared for in a wonderful way? Please share in the comments!

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In Him, Kristin

Photo Credit: Barbro Andersen

31 Days of Finding God – JOIN

Thank you for joining me in my series 31 Days of Finding God. Each day I am going to use a prompt from Kate and incorporate that into how I am finding God in my everyday!

Prayer Circle 2

31 Days ago I started on a journey of prayer. I was asked to join with some fellow God-sized Dreamers in doing a devotional by Mark Batterson called “Draw the Circle, a 40 Day Prayer Challenge. 

We were going to be starting right after I had my eye surgery so I knew that reading might difficult so I ordered the Kindle version instead. Each morning I get up and listen to the short devotional for the day and then I circle my prayer requests.

This is the first time I have ever stuck with something like this, in this manner, for this long.

It is amazing!

One of the things that we were encouraged to do was to journal through this process. So often we pray something and then life happens and we forget about the specific prayer requests we have had. By journaling I can look back and see how God answered my specific prayers.

I take notes on the devotional, stopping the Audio app so I can keep up, and then I start drawing my circles.

Prayer Circle

At the beginning I committed that I would be praying specifically for Isaac. He has a lot of big decisions to make this year and I just wanted to pray that God would reveal His path to my son. I have joined in prayer for my family, our business, my church and our pastors and various things that have come up along the way.

I have seen answers to some prayers already, and with others, I wait.

But I am confident that God hears and we honor Him with our prayers. My plan is that when I hit day 40 I will start right back at Day 1 again. Like the counting of gifts, this could go on and on.

This devotional has changed the way I approach prayer and time with God in the morning. So I am inviting you to join me in doing the same. Pick up a copy of the book or the audio file, grab a journal and get to work! I promise you won’t regret it!

The time you invest in this exercise will reap a harvest that continues on and on.

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In Him, Kristin

31 Days of Finding God – SAY

Thank you for joining me in my series 31 Days of Finding God. Each day I am going to use a prompt from Kate and incorporate that into how I am finding God in my everyday!


A theme that I have heard over and over this year is that #YourWordsMatter.

And they do.

My story, your story, they are different yes but each is so very important. (<====Click to Tweet)

The words that you say, the stories that you use to encourage, they make a difference. At times I know it may feel like it isn’t worth it….is anyone even reading?

But then an email comes, or a tweet, maybe a comment that reminds me when we are being a light for Christ, the things we say can offer hope and encouragement, even grace.


I made it through some of the most difficult times in my life because someone took the time to say that they understood where I was. They shared a bit of their journey and how God was with them.

Moments like those reminded me that I was not alone, not only was God with me but He placed the perfect person, at just the right moment, to share a message of hope.

Yes friends, your words matter, and I am so grateful for each one of you that have walked with me here and lifted me up in prayer and encouraged my writing. 

Because of your words friends, I am #FindingGod.

Finding God


Dayspring has just released a new Words Matter collection.

What I love so much about these letter blocks is that you can create words that best suit your home. Maybe it is a favorite verse (Hebrews 6:19) 😉 or your OneWord for the new year (Balance…which I have yet to achieve!!)

Whatever word has most meaning in your heart, you can use the Letterpress Blocks Interface, which is this cool site where you create your own words and save and share your creations!

I came up with the one above to help me remember this series of Finding God.

All throughout my house you will find Bible verses and sayings. I love lining my walls with God’s truth.  These new letters would be the perfect addition to any home.  What word would you choose?

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In Him, Kristin

31 Days of Finding God – GO

Thank you for joining me in my series 31 Days of Finding God. Each day I am going to use a prompt from Kate and incorporate that into how I am finding God in my everyday!

Hebrews 6 19This verse has been a favorite of mine this year. A reminder that through all things we have hope because of Christ.

I know that I have accepted Christ as my Savior, but if I am being honest there are times that I question if that relationship is secure.

I can be a fair weather Christian. When things are good – God is good. When things get hard??Well I wonder where God is, why He is allowing the struggle, and at times even blame Him for my defects of character.

And when I come to and realize how disrespectful I am being towards God I think maybe just maybe He will get tired of my garbage and let me go.

But God’s love for us is unconditional.

Oh how very thankful I am for that. The idea that He chose to send His Son to die for MY sins…the ones I have already committed and the ones that will be in my future. Seeing all the ways I would mess up, run from Him, blame Him…he still saw me and loved me so much that He paved the way for me to be with Him for eternity. It is so difficult to even wrap my mind around that idea, but I am filled with gratitude because of it!

No matter what, He loves me. And He is reminding me of that truth as I walk each day in His mercy. Yes His mercies are new each morning!

I heard the song “You Never Let Go” by Matt Redmond again today and the lyrics talk to this very idea.

“Oh no, You never let go
Through the calm and through the storm
Oh no, You never let go
In every high and every low
Oh no, You never let go
Lord, You never let go of me”

Wherever you find yourself today, know that God loves you. He won’t ever let go of you. Rest in that peace today friends! Let that truth be the hope and anchor your weary soul needs.



(Email subscribers click here to see Never Let Go)


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In Him, Kristin

31 Days of Finding God – KNOW

Thank you for joining me in my series 31 Days of Finding God. Each day I am going to use a prompt from Kate and incorporate that into how I am finding God in my everyday!


Today’s prompt is Know!

I started a new Hello Mornings study today and we are looking at the book of Matthew. Today we were asked to read Matthew 1: 1-25 and consider the character of Joseph.

As I read I was immediately struck at the fact that Joseph had a dream where an angel told him to make Mary his wife and when he woke from his sleep he did what the angel of the Lord commanded him.

He didn’t question if it was real or not (at least the scripture doesn’t tell us that)…he just woke and did as he was commanded.

Now I haven’t yet had a dream where an angel told me to do something that God was commanding…but if I did would I wake and do it? Why did Joseph?

I believe that it is because Joseph KNEW God. He knew his character, knew what was true about God and the prophecies about His Son.

He didn’t question what he was being asked to do because His Father was doing the asking.

If we want to hear God’s voice, we need to spend time getting to know Him. (<====Click to Tweet)

I am honestly not great at this. I am getting better, but I know I could do so much more.

Find something that works for you, whether it is a bible study, time in prayer, worship music…spend time getting to know God.

When we know Him, and we do hear His voice, we won’t question what we are being asked.

I remember a situation when I was getting ready one morning and had been praying and a thought came to mind that I needed to do something very specific for someone. It seemed like a crazy idea…but I acted on it. I reached out and learned that morning a prayer request was being made for the exact thing I thought of….

It was a total God moment and I was blessed to be a part of it.

God works through us. But we have to have willing hearts to hear His message. I don’t think I would have heard that message if I hadn’t been spending time in prayer with God each morning.

Spend time getting to know God, and in doing so it opens up so many opportunities to be His hands and feet.

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In Him, Kristin

31 Day of Finding God – STUCK

Thank you for joining me in my series 31 Days of Finding God. Each day I am going to use a prompt from Kate and incorporate that into how I am finding God in my everyday!

Take Heart!

Today’s prompt is Stuck!

I shared yesterday that I am a Type A personality to the core. I appreciate routine and knowing what is next. I like to be comfortable, who doesn’t right?

But I have found in my relationship with God that when I am not challenged to seek Him, when things in my life get too comfortable, I start thinking I have everything under control and I need Him less and less.

I can get stuck in a pattern of only seeking out God when times are bad, I use God as my 1-800-Helpline only. And I forget to offer thanks for the many blessings in my life.

Several years ago I found myself in a very difficult situation. I couldn’t understand why God was always silent. Didn’t He hear my desperate pleas for change? You know the kind of change you pray for when you want God to fix someone else (because they are the problem right?!)

I was sure that if God took care of the “problem”, my life would be roses.

It wasn’t until I came to a place of complete willingness to seek change, even if it meant the change needed to start with me, that I sought God with ALL my heart, in ALL situations.

As a result I have seen lives changed, relationships restored and redemption brought to the most hopeless of situations. God is so good!

I try to have a heart of gratitude towards all that I have seen God do in my life. Because I don’t want to get stuck in that place again where I can’t see His goodness, in spite of what is going on around me.

God is good ALL the time.

When we struggle and when we celebrate. God is good. Throughout this series so far I have been seeking to find God. Even if life isn’t perfect, I know He is present. He is present in the prayers of my many faithful friends, He is present in the encouraging words left on a Voxer message. He is present in the smiles on my kids faces.

The world around us will never be perfect. There WILL be struggles, the Bible tells us that. But I hold fast in the promise that Christ has overcome all of it. His shed blood offers redemption and hope. So if I have to be stuck, may it be in a constant seeking to know Him more. 

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In Him, Kristin

Photo Credit: Jimmy Mcintyre

31 Days of Finding God – LEARN

Thank you for joining me in my series 31 Days of Finding God. Each day I am going to use a prompt from Kate and incorporate that into how I am finding God in my everyday!

Pathway to Peace

Today’s prompt is Learn!

There are lessons that I learn the first time around, and then there are others that apparently need some repeat sessions so that they settle deep into my soul.

One of those repeat lessons is the idea of letting go of control, letting God do the work I can’t, and finding peace in the process.

I am Type A to the core. I like things my way. I load the dishwasher a certain way, have a routine in the morning that doesn’t change much…and when I face struggle or difficulty I want to know what’s going to happen and when…and I want an outcome that is most pleasing to my comfort.

But time and time again I have discovered that there are certain situations where I have to be willing to let go of control and trust God with the end result.

These lessons don’t come easily and I usually fight for control until I am at my breaking point.

A dear friend reminded me today that I don’t have control. I just don’t. But God knows the outcome and if I can be content in my relationship with Him, first and foremost, then whatever happens in my life I can trust that I will be ok.

I will be honest, I want easy lessons. I want to learn the hard stuff the first time. I would rather not have to be given opportunity after opportunity to practice giving up control. 🙂

But in addition to being Type A, I am apparently stubborn as well so I am sure that I will be faced with the lesson again. Am I going to fight for MY control, or let God take the reins of my life and lead me on His path?

A hard lesson to learn, but one that leads to peace in the process.

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In Him, Kristin

31 Days of Finding God – NEW

Thank you for joining me in my series 31 Days of Finding God. Each day I am going to use a prompt from Kate and incorporate that into how I am finding God in my everyday!


Today’s prompt is New!

Last weekend my husband helped me with a fun project. I had these large letters from Dayspring but I wasn’t sure how or where to hang them. My duct tape idea failed and proved that duct tape isn’t always the best solution! Who knew?! 🙂

So Dominic suggested building a frame for the letters to sit in and on Saturday he set to work. He built it and I painted it. I love how it fills our room. It is a daily reminder that because of Christ ALL things can be redeemed.

But sometimes even though I know that fact, I still wonder if the promise can be true for someone like me?

Because the reality is, I mess up all the time.

I say things that hurt feelings, act impulsively, hold grudges and snap at my kids. And that was just in the last 24 hours! :/


But this afternoon I was reminded that even when we don’t deserve grace, it is offered to us. I was extended grace and a chance to start over new.

I have to tell you that I hate that I have so many examples of how badly I mess up. I never wanted God to get me so much “material” this way! 🙂 But if the mistakes and subsequent redemption from them can ultimately lead to seeing God’s glory…well it is worth it.

Each day, each moment, we are given the opportunity to start over again. These new beginnings need to start with repentance, and a willing heart for God to make us a new creation in Him.

So that is my prayer for myself today. That I would be seeking God, with an open and willing heart to do the hard work. Work that will honor the One who made this all possible.

In Him, Kristin

31 Days of Finding God