Tag Archives: Allume

31 Days of Finding God – ENJOY

Thank you for joining me in my series 31 Days of Finding God. Each day I am going to use a prompt from Kate and incorporate that into how I am finding God in my everyday!

Allume 2014 3

Today’s prompt is Enjoy!

I haven’t taken for granted a single second this weekend and I have enjoyed every moment.

From the divine appointments with women who are chasing their God-sized dreams to hearing Annie Downs talk about pouring into our youth, I have scribbled notes feverishly so that I don’t miss a thing and prayed bold prayers with strangers.

Each moment is one that I want to capture like a picture in my mind. Each laughter-filled conversation and God-inspired message is something that I don’t want to forget.

These moments are gifts. 

I have been blessed with a tribe of women that pour into my life. Spending time with some of them for a few days is truly life-giving.

Allume 2014 4

But it is easy to love well and celebrate when laughter surrounds you, isn’t it?

What about those times when life hurts deep and the pain you feel is crushing you?

The keynote for tonight, Tim Willard, talked about discovering the hope of Glory.

One of the most profound things he shared was this….“No matter how you are being ripped apart you have the most dynamic story to tell – the Gospel.”

I was sharing with Delonna before dinner that when my husband and I went through that period of unemployment, I was lost. Like, deep dark depressive, kind of lost. I couldn’t believe that God “allowed” another black cloud in our family.

I was certain that He was punishing us for making the choice to move to Minnesota, even though the decision was made with much prayer over a long time. Somehow I must have heard Him wrong and now we had to live with the consequences.

Tim asked us that “when we are at that place where we are ripped to shreds, what do  we rely on?”

Ashamed, I come to you and admit that I wasn’t able to see the potential for blessings. I was bitter and angry and lost. I talked about this faith of mine but when the rubber hit the road, I stopped dead in my tracks.

I didn’t find ways to delight in my Savior. I didn’t enjoy what I was going through.

But you know what?

My perspective was so skewed.

My perspective wasn’t a Heavenly one…it was based on my circumstances. Today has been filled with joy and it is easy to enjoy the gifts I see around me.

Tomorrow isn’t promised though, to any of us. There WILL be troubles – we are promised that. Can I come to that place where I can celebrate with my God even when everything around me is falling apart?

It is my prayer that this will be the language of my life.

Tim said we face daily struggles that DEMAND we turn to God. May my posture be one of trust. (<==== Click to Tweet) Of a constant turning towards Him in everything. I believe that if I can do that, and not just talk about it…but truly live it every day, I will be able to fully enjoy every moment that life has to bring.

“Further up and Further In Lord….”

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In Him, Kristin

31 Days of Finding God – DARE {Allume Friday}

Thank you for joining me in my series 31 Days of Finding God. Each day I am going to use a prompt from Kate and incorporate that into how I am finding God in my everyday!

What is even more fun is that I am blogging with many of my FMF sisters today live from Allume! To say I feel pretty blessed is an understatement, last year was my first experience and it was a blast…see below!!

Allume Fun 2013

Today’s prompt is Dare!

I am not even sure what day it is today. It has felt like a whilrwind experience here at Allume thus far. So filled with community and laughter, I have cheeks that ache from smiling.

It is wonderful.

Tonight after the wonderful dinner and keynote speaker we went to the “after party” and they had dancing.

Normally I don’t dance. I mean really, it isn’t pretty folks.

But I am telling you that tonight the music was old 80’s/90’s style and I figured what the heck?!

So Gindi, Christine, Delonna, Elise, Kim and I threw caution to the wind and dared to dance.

I think there were pictures taken, I am pretty sure if they appear online I WILL be embarrassed. It was hot and my feet hurt now but every single moment was worth it.

So often I sit on the sidelines because I am too afraid to take that leap and just be crazy. I decided that I did not care what anyone else thought about me…even if I didn’t have the rocking dance moves.

Tonight I was reminded that the dance is beautiful. (Maybe not the reality of the actual dance) but the act of throwing caution to the wind, daring to get wild and maybe a little sweaty and have fun.

I needed this time with my tribe. Time to connect and refresh, and time to jump around, jump around, jump up, jump up and get down! 😉

Have you dared to dance recently…I promise if you do you won’t regret it!

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FMF Party

In Him, Kristin

31 Days of Finding God – AWAY (Some Allume Pre-Conference Fun)

Thank you for joining me in my series 31 Days of Finding God. Each day I am going to use a prompt from Kate and incorporate that into how I am finding God in my everyday!

Allume 2013 Today’s prompt is Away!

In a week from tomorrow I am heading on a little vacation of sorts – I am going away to Allume!! And the best part about all of it is that I will get some time to fellowship with some of the most amazing women I know.

Allume 2013

Women that get me, that pray for me and my family…women that encourage and laugh with me. Women that I didn’t really know even 2 years ago that have now become fast friends.

Holley and I!

Yep, I getting away. Leaving on a jet plane from an airport I haven’t been at in years, and never alone….so I am a bit nervous about that but for the most part I can’t wait to get away and surround myself with these beautiful women!

So in the interest of a little fun I thought I would share some of my best tips for enjoying a conference like this and how you can get the most out of your time away!!

1) Share a room! Last year I shared a room with several women and at the time I didn’t really know any of them really well. Yes it was scary at first, but these women have become some of my best friends and except for 1 new addition this year (yay Mandy!!) we are all rooming together again!

2) Bring a power strip and an extension cord. As is typical at a writer/blogger conference, most everyone has a cell phone and a computer…possibly an iPad so lots of spaces to charge your devices is helpful. Bring a power cord so there isn’t a shortage, and I brought an extension cord so that i could use my curling iron in the room easier. (Have you ever noticed that IF there is an extra mirror in the room that there isn’t an outlet nearby!

3) Pack layers. I am cold by nature so I always pack several layers. I would rather be able to take a sweater/jacket off than sit freezing all weekend.

4) Be flexible! I went last year with a lot of “must do this” ideas…and quite frankly when I got there so many of those went out the window and were replaced with time for laughter and fellowship. The keynote speakers were great and the breakout sessions were as well, but nothing topped spending time with friends in community.

5) Spend time connecting with a cause that you love. Last year my plan for attending Allume was to grow my blog, and get tips for building my platform. And what I walked away with was a heart to give more, give back to others. What a gift that was for me. Realizing that it isn’t all about me, but more about what God can use me for in His greater purpose, for His glory….well that was life altering!

6) Give yourself the ability to take breaks. 450 women around for 3+ solid days can be a little overwhelming, especially if you are an introvert like me! If you need to steal away to your room for awhile, it’s ok!! I missed a session last year because of a bit of a stomach ache…but Mel and I got some quality time together just hanging out in the room – priceless!

7) Don’t be afraid to talk to someone you don’t know! We are all in the same boat, women who likely feel a little nervous and unsure…if you see someone alone – approach them, take time to get to know them. On the shuttle to the hotel last year a women recognized me and knew my name. I was surprised but felt such a peace because of her warm welcome. Debi that will always be a gift you gave to me last year – thank you!!

8) Worship freely. The worship time was a favorite of mine. As someone who grew up in a church that doesn’t have “hand raisers”…coming to a conference where women are worshiping freely can feel a little intimidating. But I can say from experience that giving myself the freedom to worship unashamed, allowed me to just experience God’s presence even more.

9) Attend a meet-up. Last year I attended a couple of different meet-ups. This is an opportunity to meet like-minded women who either participate in a group like Hello Mornings, or blog for a specific cause. This year the God-sized Dream website team is hosting a meet-up!! All the details can be found here, but if you are a dreamer and want to join us we would love the opportunity to pray for you and will you!!

10) Bring a LARGE suitcase. Let’s just be honest here, packing light just doesn’t happen. Even when I am trying to pair down my shoes or my jeans…5 days away (I am flying in on Wednesday and out on Sunday) is a lot and a small suitcase just won’t cut it. And with all the amazing swag that you go home with, and all the vendors that will be available to purchase from…you are going to want the space. Trust me on this one! My bag weighed EXACTLY 50 pounds going home last year. All God that I wasn’t over!

I have been waiting for Allume since last year, and counting the weeks down since I saw my GSD girls in Houston in April. Getting away, even for a short time can just rejuvenate the soul! Are you attending Allume? What is your favorite thing to do to get away, even if it is for a short time?!

If you are attending please let me know – I would love to connect while we are there! 🙂

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In Him, Kristin