31 Days of Fervent Prayer – Extending Grace

Fervent Prayer

Yesterday we talked about unforgiveness. And believe me when I say that I understand in a real way how difficult it can be to forgive someone, to let it go. But I have found in my own life that when I am unwilling to forgive, I am bound in chains.

Freedom comes from releasing the hurt to God, extending grace (even when it is undeserved) and giving up the “right” to punish someone for how they have hurt you.

Priscilla said this and it just hit home for me: “Genuine freedom and renewed fervency are waiting for you on the other side of forgiveness. And the forgiveness you don’t have any desire to give right now can be amazingly enabled through prayer. When galvanized with the living truth of God’s Word, fervent prayer is the bucket that can dip down into the reserves of God’s strength and pull up all the resolve you need for releasing other people from what they owe you.” Fervent p 161

With fervent prayer we can access God’s strength. With fervent prayer we can fight against the enemy who wants to see us angry, bitter and resentful. Knowing how poisonous resentment can be to us we have to find a way to remove it from our lives. Only God can change our hearts and our minds. Let Him take what is hurting and broken and restore it!

It can still be a struggle though, I get it! In those times I often have to look to God’s Word for the reminder about how grace was extended to me first. God set an example through the death and sacrifice of Jesus. A sinless God who took on my sins so that I could be free.

Ephesians 2:1-10 is a favorite passage of mine. Evidence of those “But God” moments and a reminder to treat others as He has treated me. And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience— among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body[a] and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind.[b] But[c] God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved— and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

It is easy for me to sit and think of all the ways I have been slighted or hurt by others. It is much harder (because it requires humility) for me to be honest about the multitude of ways I have done the damage myself. I am not innocent either and if I want grace extended to me when I hurt someone…shouldn’t I be willing to do the same?

And here is something that jumped out at me when I was reading those verses in Ephesians that hasn’t impacted me before. God didn’t just send His Son to pay the penalty for my sins. That alone, that forgiveness, would have been enough.

But God, who is full of mercy and grace, chose to make us alive through Christ AND He says we will be raised up and seated with Him in the heavenly places so that He can show us his immeasurable riches. WOW!

God is overflowing with grace and love for us. How can we not do the same to those we come in contact with? When we spend time in prayer seeking to know God, asking for help in our weakness and praying for His grace to flow through us I think that the way we respond to hurt may be radically transformed.

Yes, we live in a sinful, fallen world and at times it is down right rotten to us. But when we access God’s power, through fervent prayer, we can bring light into the darkness.  

Lord, Your love overwhelms us. You pour out grace and mercy over us and yet at times we struggle with offering grace to those that have hurt us. Help us Lord to see others as You see them. May we remember the sacrifice that was made on our behalf and may we look to You for help in those times that showing mercy is difficult. Thank you for providing the ultimate example of what extending grace looks like. In Jesus Name, Amen.

31 Days of Fervent Prayer – Unforgiveness

Fervent Prayer

“Unforgiveness is a strategic design, craftily implemented by your enemy to outwit you, to cripple your effectiveness in prayer and your power to stand against him victoriously.” p153 Fervent.

I spent a lot of years stuck in the pit of unforgiveness.

Unable or unwilling to forgive those who have hurt me, resentment became a close companion. It was easy to point my fingers and blame. It became second nature to say “I wouldn’t feel this way if you hadn’t done xyz…”

Hate and anger would fester. I quickly came to that place where I was bitter all the time and I was unable to see the good in any situation. Have you ever found yourself there? Bitter, angry and resentful and stuck in unforgiveness?

I remember one morning, sitting in front of the mirror to get ready for work, and I looked at myself and didn’t recognize who was staring back at me. I felt dark and ugly inside and I needed help.

I have heard it said that resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.

Oh how this was true in my life. The people, places or things that I was upset about weren’t hurting like I was inside. I suffered alone and thought my anger would “make them pay.” Instead, I was paying with my mental, spiritual and emotional health!

Let me share an example from my own life.

Years ago I started working at a bank. I didn’t know anything about banking and started as a teller. I quickly was promoted to the customer service phone banking center. A friend of mine at the time was looking for something new and I told her about some openings we had in our department. She applied and was hired.

Months later a “lead” position became available and this friend and I were the two people vying for the spot. She had become close friends with the department manager and spent time out of the office with her. We both went through the interviews and she was offered the job over me.

When I asked the manager why I didn’t get the job she said it was because she heard that I was looking for another job outside of the bank. They didn’t trust that I was reliable and would stay. Those things said about me were not true and I was so upset. I was sure that I knew who had told those lies, but it was too late, the decision had been made.

I felt hurt and betrayed. A friend had sold me out to advance her career. I immediately cut her from my life. I didn’t confront her to hear her side of the story. I believed she was the one who had said those things about me and in my mind our friendship was over.

Soon after I applied for and was hired for a different promotion within the bank. It was something that I couldn’t have applied for had I gotten the other promotion. Through that job I had the opportunity to advance in ways I had not planned or expected. In the long run, that no was a gift.

But despite that, I held onto the resentment.

I spoke poorly about her to others, I refused to let that betrayal go and acted rudely towards her if we came into contact with one another. I wanted her to hurt because she had hurt me.

Today I am just sad about how I handled everything. Honestly, I don’t know that our friendship could have been restored…but I certainly didn’t act in a Christ-like way. I had the chance to show grace and instead I spewed hatred. That isn’t how I want to be remembered.

Someone in my bible study shared that when you let someone off your “hook”, you are putting them on God’s hook instead. He sees all, He knows. But what if I missed an opportunity to be grace to someone who didn’t know God’s grace in a real and tangible way. That is my regret.

So today I use that situation as a reminder to me. I didn’t like the way I felt during those years. I don’t feel good when I am holding onto anger and resentment. Today when I am hurt by someone I try and pray for them.

It is hard to be angry at someone while praying a blessing over their life.

It doesn’t always mean that the relationship can be restored to the way it had been before the hurt…but it does mean that I am letting go and letting God handle the hurts. There is freedom in that.

Through prayer we can bring those hurts to God. He understands, He can bring peace into the darkest hearts. But we have to be willing to let go of our desire to hurt back. Easier said than done at times…I know! But again, it brings freedom and I think we all need that!

Lord, we come to you with our hurts. We know that You are a God who restores. Help us Lord to let go of resentments, to stop living in unforgiveness so that we can walk in freedom. We thank you Lord that you gave us the greatest example of grace. Help us to show grace to those that have hurt us as well. We know that often times we will only be able to do it in Your name and because of Your power! We need You moment by moment Lord! In Jesus Name, Amen!

31 Days of Fervent Prayer – Making Room for the “Better”

Fervent Prayer

Yesterday we looked at how our pressures/schedule can keep us overwhelmed, overworked and just too busy. And often this cycle can pull us away from God. So many of us get comfortable living this way that we don’t recognize the damage it can cause. I said that I often have worn “busy” as a badge of honor. I have begun to equate value to how busy I am, not realizing the sacrifices I am making to keep up.

But it is hard to say no.

It’s difficult to have an appropriate balance between our home/work/personal time when there are so many things vying for our attention. And if you struggle with the “need to please” like I do, you may find yourself wanting to do it all, and perfectly, at that.

We can run at this pace for a time and then often times, something has to give. That’s what happened for me. Our work schedule was running us ragged, I had said yes more than I had said no. Dominic was involved in an outside board within the community and I had a commitment with my women’s bible study at church.

All good things. Being involved in the community, good. Having the accountability of a bible study, good. Running a successful business, good. But there are times that God is calling us to something more, maybe even something better.

That happened to us earlier this fall. We were invited to participate in a leadership course of sorts with a few others from our church. It was a 40-week commitment. We knew from previous attendees that there was a lot of reading. A LOT. We would meet once a week for a few hours and then have homework that would need to be completed before the next meeting.

It was an opportunity to grow and learn, develop and define our understanding of God and it would challenge us to take our faith life to the next level. But to do so would require giving up some of the good things we were involved with. In looking at our schedules we knew that if we were going to give this class the time it needed, something had to give.

And so we stepped away from a few of our commitments. I really struggled with leaving my bible study. I love the women in that group. They were there and supported me in one of my hardest times last year. They encouraged me and without them (and God of course) this 31 Day series wouldn’t exist.

It was hard to give up something that I really enjoyed. But I also felt very called to this new class. It was a chance for Dominic and I to do something together. And we needed that too. I think that God rewards our obedience in tough decisions like this one.

This class, while tough and full of A LOT of reading (I am serious even for this book nerd, it’s a mountain of reading!) is growing and stretching me. To keep up with the homework I have set back the alarm again and am back to spending my early mornings learning about God. I am getting back into a routine that is filling me, not draining me.

But it started with recognizing and admitting that I can’t do it all. And that sometimes I have to give up good things to dive into the better things.

Is there something in your life that is keeping you from the best God has for you? Pray over that today and ask God to reveal areas that may need to be trimmed from your life so that you can fully walk in His plans for you!

Lord, so often we fill our days with good things, but we forget to stop and ask You if there are better things you might have for us. Help us to be brave in examining our schedules to see where changes are needed. Lord may we have humble hearts that long to seek You and do Your will.  In Jesus Name, Amen.

31 Days of Fervent Prayer – When Pressures = Slavery

Fervent Prayer

Every year in October we have a few weeks where our work schedule slows way down. The majority of our clients are farmers and so during this time of year they will be in the fields for harvest and we get a bit of a break.

This year it felt like a gift of time where we were finally able to breathe.

We have been running at full speed and at times it feels like too much. And this is just our work schedule, then we factor in our kids, our new bible study, time with extended family and it is a wonder that we can even find time to sleep.

Priscilla talks about the pressures we face in Strategy 8 of Fervent. When I read these words I felt that she was talking to me…“Ever notice how many of the pressures in your life resemble slavery?….Slaves don’t rest. Slaves just work.” p135

One of my biggest struggles has always been setting appropriate boundaries. Especially when it comes to our work schedule. Rules of customer service dictate that the client is always right and that translated into my rarely saying no. Fear sets in and I wonder if I say no to an over-full calendar if they will come back.

But trying to be everything for everyone can leave us harried and worn out.

And once again we are right where the enemy wants us.  “If I were your enemy, I’d make everything seem urgent, as if it’s all yours to handle. I’d bog down your calendar with so many expectations you couldn’t tell the difference between what’s important and what’s not….” p133

In those moments where I am so incredibly stressed by my workload/schedule, I am not at peace. And I really don’t have time or energy for God. I am a morning person, so getting up early to have some quiet time works for me. But earlier this year I was so exhausted that I started setting my alarm back in the morning. A half hour quickly became a full hour to sleep in. I wasn’t spending time in God’s Word. I wasn’t praying. I was barely hanging on.

I could tell a difference in my attitude towards those closest to me. I was easily irritated and short-tempered. I didn’t pause and pray. And while I wasn’t distant from God because I was angry at Him…I didn’t feel close to Him because I wasn’t spending any time fostering that relationship.

Tomorrow I will dive into this a little more and will be sharing how I recently had to give up on some good things to free up my schedule for some specific things God was calling me to.

Today I encourage you to take a look at your schedule. Are there things that bring you joy each day? Things that feel like a burden? Maybe there is something that has become a chain of slavery in your life. An expectation you have for yourself, or believe someone else has for you that is driving you for the wrong reasons. An inability to rest or to find time to be with God each day. Maybe there is something that needs to be changed so that you too can breathe again?

Get a list together and tomorrow we will talk more about how we can say no, and maybe even give up control so that we can have more peace in our days. I know God doesn’t want the yoke of slavery on us…but how often do we carry it anyways? I for one have had enough!

Lord, we so often wear “busy” like a badge of honor in our lives. But when we are too busy that we can’t even make time for You, we often find ourselves falling apart. Help us as we examine those areas in our lives that need cutting. Give us the courage to say no to the good things so that we can follow Your path and the best things that You have for our lives. In Jesus Name, Amen

31 Days of Fervent Prayer – An Intentional Act

Fervent Prayer

We have made it over 3 weeks into our study and look at the book Fervent! If you can’t tell already, I love this book and I think that everyone should read it! But the impact of prayer wasn’t something that just started with this book, and so today I wanted to share an “In Real Life” situation that helped shape my view of what an intentional prayer life might look like.

As I said before, for many years I used prayer as a means to ask God to fix something in my life. Prayer was a bargaining tool I used“I will do this Lord if you will just do that.” It wasn’t very effective and left me feeling like God wasn’t hearing me.

Praying out loud, in front of others was HARD for me. I was sure that I wasn’t saying things correctly and didn’t want to embarrass myself. It seemed too vulnerable and I wasn’t sure I wanted to go there.

We have always said quick, recited prayers before meals, but only when we were at home. It wasn’t something we had considered doing outside of the home until one day we saw something that changed all of that.

We were in a Taco Bell of all places. We had stopped to grab a quick bite to eat before running a few errands. There at a table in the middle of a restaurant were a husband and wife and a couple of kids. Their food arrived and before they started to eat they paused to pray.

Dominic and I were both struck by what we saw. I can honestly say I hadn’t seen a family pray in a fast food restaurant before. But they saw the benefit of it and paused to honor God before they ate. As we were leaving we stopped to tell them what an impact it had on us. Oddly enough we ended up seeing them at Sam’s Club just minutes later and ended up talking at length with them.

They were walking out their faith, in real life. Not just behind closed doors where it was comfortable, but out in public where they had the potential to be scrutinized. I wanted a faith like that.

So Dominic and I made a decision that day that we would start being more intentional about prayer. When we go out to eat somewhere, we pause and pray. And here’s the thing, we don’t do it so that we get some jewel on our crown…but what if there is someone watching that needs to be encouraged like we were so many years ago?

What if our intentional acts of faith could make a difference for someone else?

When I think about how dark this world can be at times, it is encouraging to know that people around me still have faith. We have the opportunity to be a light in the darkness, and one way we can do that is through prayer.

So I challenge you today…look at your prayer life currently. Are there things you have avoided just because of fear? Start by praying for God to give you courage and remember that your intentional act of faith could make a big difference in the life of someone you don’t even know!

Lord, I thank you today for that family that made such an impact on us over 10 years ago. Their act of faith inspired us to start being more intentional in our own life. Give me courage Lord to do the same. Help us to look for ways to be a light to those around us. Remove any fear we may be carrying and fill us with a boldnes that only comes from You! In Jesus Name, Amen.

31 Days of Fervent Prayer – Righteous Living

Fervent Prayer

Priscilla says in the chapter on Strategy 7 – Your Purity that “Prayers that have power come from a person in pursuit of righteous living.” p123

Walking through this fervent prayer journey now five times, of course I want to be the kind of person that has powerful prayers. So reading this got me to thinking….what is righteous living? How do we live in a righteous way on a daily basis?

The word righteous is defined as “acting in accord with divine or moral law :  free from guilt or sin”

It feels a lot like legalism to me. And something that has been a long struggle for me, understanding God’s grace and removing myself (and my need to “earn” my salvation) from the equation. I am incapable of acting in accordance of God’s moral law. We are all. As we discussed earlier, ALL have fallen short of the glory of God.

So how can we possibly walk in righteousness when we are sin-filled, flawed individuals? And if we don’t walk in righteousness…how can we be effective in our prayer life?

I have to be careful here not to fall into the “all is hopeless” pit that I so easily find myself in. In those moments I forget the glory of the Cross, the instrument that was used to guarantee my payment for sin and instead I focus on the reality of my weaknesses.

Even Paul, whom has to be one of my favorite apostles, understood the frustration of sin. In Romans 7:15-25 he says this:

15 “For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. 16 Now if I do what I do not want, I agree with the law, that it is good. 17 So now it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me. 18 For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out. 19 For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing. 20 Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me.

21 So I find it to be a law that when I want to do right, evil lies close at hand. 22 For I delight in the law of God, in my inner being, 23 but I see in my members another law waging war against the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin that dwells in my members.24 Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?25 Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself serve the law of God with my mind, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin.”

Evil lies close at hand, for all of us, even when we want to do good. Our bodies are weak, there is a reason God sent His Son as a living sacrifice for our sins. All sins, past, present and future.

King David understood this in a unique way himself as well. All throughout the Psalms we can see his prayers and praises to God. In Psalm 25: 4-5 he says:

Make me to know your ways, O Lord;
    teach me your paths.
Lead me in your truth and teach me,
    for you are the God of my salvation;
    for you I wait all the day long.”

and this in Psalm 141: 3-4

“Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth;
    keep watch over the door of my lips!
Do not let my heart incline to any evil,
    to busy myself with wicked deeds
in company with men who work iniquity,
    and let me not eat of their delicacies!”

Paul, David and many others understood that sin was a part of life. It doesn’t excuse it and once we have accepted Christ we typically have a heart that responds to that gift with a desire to walk in righteous living. But sin is there. Always.

There isn’t a self-help book out there that will keep me “clean” enough or make me “good” enough or give me six steps to stop sinning so that I can be presentable to a holy God.  But because of the covering of Jesus, I am clean. And since I have even the smallest grasp of the sacrifice He made on my behalf, I seek to honor Him with my life.

Through prayer, in all situations, we can do just that.

Yes we will continue to sin.

But in those moments we need to bring those struggles to God. I try to recognize it for what it is. Call it out, bring light to the dark places of my heart. And then I pray that God would use the struggle for His glory. Lord, Let me help someone else who is hurting, may they see the transformation in my life and know it is only through the power of You.

Just because we know sin will be a part of our lives doesn’t mean we have to walk in it as though there isn’t anything we can do. We can pray. We can humble ourselves and ask for help. And we can daily celebrate the gift that is the Cross. May we never forget His great love for us.

Lord, we know it is impossible to live a fully righteous life. It is only by Your sacrifice that we have access to You. What a gift You have given us! We are weak Lord, sin permeates our world so today we pray protection over us. In those times we should remain silent, put a muzzle over our mouths. In the moments we should extend grace may we remember the gift we were given first. May we seek to know You Lord more fully so that all we do might be an offering back to you. Thank you for loving us. In Jesus Name, Amen.

31 Days of Fervent Prayer – Purity

Fervent Prayer

“Sin has consequences. Always has and always will. Keep this revelation fixed squarely in your mind. Because whether we like it or not, here’s how the spiritual economy of life works for believers: Obedience to God garners intimacy and nearness, divine blessing and favor. Always. And disobedience creates a sense of distance and loss, grief and regret. Always” Fervent p.122

Let’s be real for a moment can we?

Talking about sin really isn’t fun. It can be difficult to come clean about the things we like to keep hidden about ourselves. If I look good on the outside, then maybe I don’t have to be completely honest about what’s going on in my heart, or my head.

But like Priscilla says Strategy 7 on our purity…sin has consequences. We see the consequences of that sin all around us. Just turn on the news and it is littered with story after story of our broken humanity.

But if you are anything like me, your sin struggle may be something that isn’t news worthy. And maybe it doesn’t feel like it’s THAT bad…so we hide it away and fancy ourselves up for the outside world. All the while we are suffocating by the truth of ourselves.

In my life I have found that it is those things, those hidden struggles that become the great divide between me and my God. I justify, manipulate, even blame others and then it gets harder and harder to present myself before God. I stop praying because I am aware of my brokenness but too prideful to reach out to a merciful God.

And this friends is right where the enemy hopes to keep us. Apart from God, stuck in sin, filled with shame.

My “hidden” sin, or at least my biggest offender, would be anger.

I have long been a “stuffer,” I feel upset, hurt, whatever and instead of dealing with the way I am feeling about it, I stuff it. Deep down inside where I think it is gone, but at some point I can’t stuff anymore and I explode.

In those moments it is ugly. U.G.L.Y.

It doesn’t matter if I have promised it won’t ever happen again, or if I know that the word vomit that is coming out is causing irreparable damage. I don’t stop until I have said every hateful, horrible thing I could say.

And then, even worse, are those times that I have then refused to accept responsibility for my actions and continue to point the blame on someone else.

“And disobedience creates a sense of distance and loss, grief and regret. Always”

Yes, yes it does.

I have begun to understand the “why” that I stuff my emotions. It stems from wounds long ago. But God has been healing me. I am beginning to discover that while I may have the inclination to stuff and explode, it doesn’t have to be a cycle that I continue. There are alternative ways to deal with my struggles and while I wish I could pray them away and poof they’d be gone. What I’m finding instead is that it has become an opportunity for me to invest in fervent prayer over them.

By bringing my greatest secret struggle out in the open I am free of the weight of it. I never claimed to be perfect but I have longed believed that somehow I needed to strive for it anyways. I didn’t want to share the ugly parts of me because then you would see me for who I am.


But in that brokenness I am rediscovering a Savior. A promise that was for me too. A gift that was sent because we all struggle with sin, secret or news worthy. And the only way we could hope to be in the presence of an Almighty, loving God, was by claiming the blood of Jesus over those sins.

I am not pure. I never will be. But because of Jesus I am made pure in the eyes of God.

How can we not celebrate that today?!

Sin separates us yes, but Jesus unites us. Today I am claiming victory over my sin in and only because of Him!

Jesus, we humbly ask Your forgiveness. We know all have sinned and fallen short of Your glory. And yet you loved us. I may not ever fully understand how You could, but I want to praise You for that truth. Thank You for the sacrifice of Your Son. Thank You that we can come and be honest about our struggles and through prayer we can develop a new response. I am not capable on my own but am fully able because of You. Thank You is not enough, may my heart spend eternity praising You for who You are. In Jesus Name, Amen.

31 Days of Fervent Prayer – Having a Plan

Fervent Prayer

We have spent a few days talking about fear and originally I had planned on sharing some of my favorite Bible verses about fear, but then I had the privilege to walk beside a dear friend that was facing a wall of her own and the way she made a plan to face that wall, through prayer, was so inspiring that I had to share it with you today.

The day was looming. It had been almost a year since her husband had lost his job. The toll it had taken on him and her family had left a cloud of hopelessness  hanging over their home. In the 11 months prior we had prayed time and time again over possible job opportunities, only to see doors close.

It was frustrating and it didn’t make sense.

Not only that, sickness, over and over sickness, had plagued their family. For weeks they battled an illness only to be met with another days later. A little more than a week before the “anniversary” of the job loss she messaged a few close friends. Women who she knew would pray with her. She had a plan and she invited us to walk along side of her.

Various promptings had led her to several different passages that gave her hope that God would do some major restoration for their family on that anniversary date. But she wanted to walk forward in faith and obedience in the days leading up to that date.

She was drawn to Joshua and was committing to reading 2 chapters a day while walking and praying around her home. Claiming the victory that was to come. Believing that God would do more than they could hope or imagine in regards to her husband’s employment.

So we committed to praying for her every day that week.

The first morning I spent some time in prayer and then decided to listen to Joshua 1-2 myself. I was struck that in the first chapter God tells Joshua to be “strong and courageous” four times. Whenever I see something repeated more than once, it is obviously something we should take note of.

When we are standing strong and courageous in faith with God, fear has no place in the equation.

My friend could have been filled with fear and doubt.

Instead she decided to march around her own “wall” claiming the victory she believed God had planned for her family. As we will read later in Joshua…he was faced with his own wall. And God calls him to walk around that wall every day and on the 7th day to walk around it 7 times and shout and the wall would come falling down.

I encourage you to read through Joshua and see what happens next…it’s pretty incredible.

As for my friend?

Well, “Victory Day” came and went…those of us that had marched and prayed and believed with her felt discouraged. The answer had not come as we had hoped and believed. Some may ask “where was God in all of this?”

It is a question we have all asked at times, I am sure. But I felt so strongly that even though the prayers weren’t answered THAT day as we had hoped, they would be. And God’s presence was felt….the prayers were not wasted. It was a time of faith building for each of us! Her son said it best when he said he will just keep on marching if that’s what it takes!

Oh the sweet faith of a child!

I told her on the first day that not only could this be a growing experience for her family, but I also thought that her faith and approach to the entire situation was an example for me…for others.

When we are facing that wall of our own we can wallow or we can march. We can march around that wall claiming victory. We can have a plan to fast and to pray so that we are communing with God. We can push away fear and remain strong and courageous because we know the Lord will fight for us.

What’s your wall?

Whatever it is, take some time today to pray and make a plan. How can you fight the battle in prayer? And don’t go at it alone! Invite some of your faithful friends to walk alongside of you. It is always an honor to be asked to pray for someone else. Don’t face your wall alone!

Lord, we hear Your call to stand strong and courageous. I know that there are people reading today that are facing a wall of their own. Guide them Lord. Help them to make a plan, to march and pray. To claim victory. We thank You for Your provision Lord. In Jesus Name, Amen.

31 Days of Fervent Prayer – Red Sea Moment

Fervent Prayer

Yesterday we talked about fear. As I said before the enemy knows this can be a weak point for us and so it should not be a surprise that we find ourselves attacked in this area time and time again.

Even throughout the Bible we can read stories about people who faced fear, trusted God and saw the unique ways that He was with them through it all.

In Fervent, Priscilla brings us to the story of Moses and the people of Israel. They have fled and now Pharaoh is mad. Exodus 14 details how Pharaoh takes 600 of his chosen chariots and all the rest of this chariots and army to pursue the people of Israel.

As you can imagine the people are terrified. Pharaoh’s army charging at them, their back to the Red Sea…no where to go. Surely they will die. They question Moses and ask why he would bring them there to perish and this is what he says. “Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will work for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again. 14 The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.” Exodus 14:13

Fear not, stand firm. The Lord will fight for you.

Pretty crazy words when it seems that death is charging at you full speed. But Moses trusted God. And stood ready to listen to His command. God spoke to Moses and told him to raise his staff and in doing so the waters of the Red Sea parted and the people were allowed to pass through on dry ground. A wall of water on their right and a wall of water on their left.

Can you even imagine what that must have felt like?!

And even more He again instructs Moses to pass his hand over the water and it swallows up the army that was chasing them. The Lord fought for them.

Priscilla says this that encapsulates everything so beautifully. “Notice that Moses wasn’t telling them not to feel fear. The prospect of looming death will just kind of do that. On its own. Fear is a natural human response to a lot of things, a Red Sea moment being one of them. So he knew they would feel fear, but he was telling them not to wallow in it. Not to choose it. Not to make friends with it. Not to entertain it, engage it. Because if they did, they risked not sticking around long enough to experience the stunning miracle their God was about to perform. And even more they risked not getting to the other side. To the Promised Land.” p110-111

The enemy knew that the Promised Land was just up ahead. If the people could be convinced that their plight was hopeless, they wouldn’t trust God and wait to see what He would do. The enemy always has and always will use fear as a means to get us off track.

Five years ago when my husband and I found ourselves both unemployed, in a new community, with a bigger mortgage…the fears of bankruptcy and loss, of having to move back with family, loomed heavy over us. In my Red Sea moment I was certain all was doomed. My husband though got on his knees and asked God to guide Him. He prayed that no matter what happened if we were still a family we would be ok.

In his Red Sea moment he chose to trust. He stepped out and did some crazy, scary things like file an LLC for a business he wasn’t sure would take off. He felt God’s leading and he followed it. People told him he couldn’t do it and it would fail…but standing on that water’s edge he knew he had no other option but to step forward.

God has been a part of every step. Doors have opened and connections have been made in ways that can only be accredited to God. He has blessed this business we work at together in a way neither of us could have hoped or imagined. We just pray that the work we do for families can be a blessing to them and we try not to take it all for granted.

I don’t know what you are facing today. It may be something small, a difficult decision to make. It may be a mountain of a problem and everything in you tells you that you will fail. But if God has called you to it, you better believe He will equip you and lead you to your Promised Land.

Get on your knees today and pray over it. Don’t let fear destroy the plans God has for you. Trust Him. He will fight for you.

Lord, thank you for giving us the Bible as a source of encouragement and hope. Reminders that we should not fear, and You will fight for us. Please remove fear from our hearts and replace it with Your peace. That in all things we may come to You and know that You will keep our paths straight. We love You Lord. In Jesus Name, Amen!

31 Days of Fervent Prayer – Fear

Fervent Prayer

2 Timothy 1:7 “for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”

Priscilla tells us in Strategy 6 that “The fact is this: fear is one of Satan’s primary schemes for crippling God’s people. I’m not talking about legitimate concern. I’m not talking about the protective warnings of wisdom and godly counsel. I’m talking about fear. Incessant worry. Up-all-night anxiety. Worst-case scenarios becoming the only probabilities you can think about….”p 109 

How many times have you found yourself in  a situation where you are dealing with this kind of fear? I think for me, the better question would be how often do I not feel this kind of fear?

I have a mind that JUMPS to the worst-case scenarios. It doesn’t matter what it is, I go there. I don’t pause and pray, I assume the worst and make myself sick over the details about what might happen. For the most part, the worst-case never comes to fruition….but the enemy knows it is a weakness in my life and it is a constant place of attack.

About 7 months after my miscarriage in 2008 I found myself pregnant again. While I was thrilled, I also now had a jaded view of what could happen. I had heard stories of loss before my own, but always thought it wouldn’t happen to me.

But then it did and everything changed. Healing through that loss opened my eyes and my naive heart to what did happen, to so many women. And while the knowledge created a sense of empathy I didn’t have before, it also started to fester as fear in my spirit.

For months I found myself unable to relax, to really enjoy the pregnancy. I lived moment by moment waiting for the other shoe to drop. Certain that because it happened once, it surely could happen again.

Fear – it is ugly. It masks the truth, it darkens hope and it makes me feel out of control.

During that time I did a search for bible versus related to fear and here are some that I found.

“Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41: 10)

“The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” (Psalms 27:1)

“When I am afraid, I will put my trust in Thee. In God, whose word I praise, In God I have put my trust; I shall not be afraid. What can mere man do to me?” (Psalms 56:3-4)

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” (Philippians 4:6)

Promises – promises to us that no matter what we face, real or not, God is with us. He is my rock and my salvation, He is the strength of my life. Do not fear for He is with me.

What do I want to believe today? Promises or lies? Real truth or unrealized fear?

It is my choice really. I hold fast to the promises today and I will shield myself with His word and His truth – that the lies of one who seeks to destroy me will flee in terror of the almighty truth of a God who love me.

And the truth shall set me free….

I can’t say that I have defeated fear in my life. I still struggle with it. But today I am bringing more and more to God in prayer. Usually I know I am being irrational, but He listens. I pray for peace to fill my spirit instead of fear.

It is a part of our faith walk that can be difficult. Do we trust God? I once had a friend ask me if I could trust God even if the worst-case scenario came true. Would He still be the same to me as He is when things are fine and dandy? To be honest, in the moment, I wasn’t sure. I wrestled with that!

But God is faithful and patient. I have tested this truth time and time again!

So when I find myself stuck in the mire of fear, I bring it to Him. I pray over it, as many times as is needed…until I am filled with His peace. The situation doesn’t always give me the result that I hope for…but I do believe that God is with me through it all. He can handle my hurt and my fear and He gives me peace.

There is freedom in that. I am praying that if fear is an obstacle for you, you would read some of those verses above for yourself. Commit one to memory and bring all of your needs to God in fervent prayer.

Lord, we struggle with fear. It is a tool that the enemy has used as a weapon against us time and time again. Your word tells us that we should not fear because You are with us. We are holding to that promise today. Fill us with your peace Lord, strengthen our trust in You. Thank you that we don’t have to walk alone. In Jesus Name, Amen!