31 Days of Finding God – VISIT

Thank you for joining me in my series 31 Days of Finding God. Each day I am going to use a prompt from Kate and incorporate that into how I am finding God in my everyday!


Today’s prompt is Visit!

As many of you know I have spent the last several days in South Carolina at the Allume conference. The entire theme this year surrounded the idea of hospitality.

I would like to think that I have the gift of hospitality…but I have been thinking about it this weekend and while I do think I have that gift, it is conditional.

If my house is clean enough or I can present you with the perfect meal then you are more than welcome to come and visit me.

But what would I do if someone just showed up? Even more would I ever be willing to invite a stranger in?

I don’t know why I have to associate good hospitality with having it all together?!

A few months ago we were approached by a friend from church asking if we would be willing to host a small group each week in our home. This is the first time since we moved here that this was a opportunity for us and I was excited. We have been blessed with the perfect home for entertaining, with plenty of places for people to sit/gather. Dominic and I both agree that God gave us such a gift with our home and we should share it with others.

But the Sunday afternoon before the first meeting I was running around like a crazy person. Vacuuming (which is truly a MUST with 4 children and a dog), dusting, cleaning toilets in the bathrooms that people may use, washing all the mirrors and appliances down.

Oh and then about 2 hours before everyone showed up I thought that spot cleaning the rug in the family room was something that HAD to be done, so I cleaned about 6-7 bad spots….and realized about 20 minuted before everyone came that the spots had not dried. So when everyone walked in the room there was the risk that they would step in the spot and wonder if they had stepped in dog pee.

Ah yes, the life of a crazy women with the gift of hospitality.

I had lost focus on the real reason that I wanted people to come into our home. The heart connections that were possible when they all came to visit. We sat around the table, a mix of ages and backgrounds and talked over tough issues and laughed over good treats.

The spots on my carpet didn’t matter. I don’t believe they matter to them…why did they have to matter so much to me?

I want my home to be a welcoming place for people to come and visit. I want to always be open to swing wide the door and offering an invitation to life with someone else.

If other people can look past the dust and the stains, the handprints on the wall, why can’t I?

If we want to build community, be hospitable, we have to be willing to let people see the imperfect parts as well as the clean. This is easy to write and more difficult to implement for me but I am willing to try.

So you are all invited, I don’t need advance warning. I may have dishes in the sink and dog hair on my floor….but if you come and visit, I promise that I will spend my time cherishing the guest and not stressing about the mess.

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In Him, Kristin

Photo Credit: WaywardShinobi

31 Days of Finding God – ENJOY

Thank you for joining me in my series 31 Days of Finding God. Each day I am going to use a prompt from Kate and incorporate that into how I am finding God in my everyday!

Allume 2014 3

Today’s prompt is Enjoy!

I haven’t taken for granted a single second this weekend and I have enjoyed every moment.

From the divine appointments with women who are chasing their God-sized dreams to hearing Annie Downs talk about pouring into our youth, I have scribbled notes feverishly so that I don’t miss a thing and prayed bold prayers with strangers.

Each moment is one that I want to capture like a picture in my mind. Each laughter-filled conversation and God-inspired message is something that I don’t want to forget.

These moments are gifts. 

I have been blessed with a tribe of women that pour into my life. Spending time with some of them for a few days is truly life-giving.

Allume 2014 4

But it is easy to love well and celebrate when laughter surrounds you, isn’t it?

What about those times when life hurts deep and the pain you feel is crushing you?

The keynote for tonight, Tim Willard, talked about discovering the hope of Glory.

One of the most profound things he shared was this….“No matter how you are being ripped apart you have the most dynamic story to tell – the Gospel.”

I was sharing with Delonna before dinner that when my husband and I went through that period of unemployment, I was lost. Like, deep dark depressive, kind of lost. I couldn’t believe that God “allowed” another black cloud in our family.

I was certain that He was punishing us for making the choice to move to Minnesota, even though the decision was made with much prayer over a long time. Somehow I must have heard Him wrong and now we had to live with the consequences.

Tim asked us that “when we are at that place where we are ripped to shreds, what do  we rely on?”

Ashamed, I come to you and admit that I wasn’t able to see the potential for blessings. I was bitter and angry and lost. I talked about this faith of mine but when the rubber hit the road, I stopped dead in my tracks.

I didn’t find ways to delight in my Savior. I didn’t enjoy what I was going through.

But you know what?

My perspective was so skewed.

My perspective wasn’t a Heavenly one…it was based on my circumstances. Today has been filled with joy and it is easy to enjoy the gifts I see around me.

Tomorrow isn’t promised though, to any of us. There WILL be troubles – we are promised that. Can I come to that place where I can celebrate with my God even when everything around me is falling apart?

It is my prayer that this will be the language of my life.

Tim said we face daily struggles that DEMAND we turn to God. May my posture be one of trust. (<==== Click to Tweet) Of a constant turning towards Him in everything. I believe that if I can do that, and not just talk about it…but truly live it every day, I will be able to fully enjoy every moment that life has to bring.

“Further up and Further In Lord….”

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In Him, Kristin

31 Days of Finding God – DARE {Allume Friday}

Thank you for joining me in my series 31 Days of Finding God. Each day I am going to use a prompt from Kate and incorporate that into how I am finding God in my everyday!

What is even more fun is that I am blogging with many of my FMF sisters today live from Allume! To say I feel pretty blessed is an understatement, last year was my first experience and it was a blast…see below!!

Allume Fun 2013

Today’s prompt is Dare!

I am not even sure what day it is today. It has felt like a whilrwind experience here at Allume thus far. So filled with community and laughter, I have cheeks that ache from smiling.

It is wonderful.

Tonight after the wonderful dinner and keynote speaker we went to the “after party” and they had dancing.

Normally I don’t dance. I mean really, it isn’t pretty folks.

But I am telling you that tonight the music was old 80’s/90’s style and I figured what the heck?!

So Gindi, Christine, Delonna, Elise, Kim and I threw caution to the wind and dared to dance.

I think there were pictures taken, I am pretty sure if they appear online I WILL be embarrassed. It was hot and my feet hurt now but every single moment was worth it.

So often I sit on the sidelines because I am too afraid to take that leap and just be crazy. I decided that I did not care what anyone else thought about me…even if I didn’t have the rocking dance moves.

Tonight I was reminded that the dance is beautiful. (Maybe not the reality of the actual dance) but the act of throwing caution to the wind, daring to get wild and maybe a little sweaty and have fun.

I needed this time with my tribe. Time to connect and refresh, and time to jump around, jump around, jump up, jump up and get down! 😉

Have you dared to dance recently…I promise if you do you won’t regret it!

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FMF Party

In Him, Kristin

31 Days of Finding God – LOOK

Thank you for joining me in my series 31 Days of Finding God. Each day I am going to use a prompt from Kate and incorporate that into how I am finding God in my everyday!

Look 3

Today’s prompt is LOOK!

Today my view is different than normal.

I started my journey early in the car headed 3 hours towards the Minneapolis airport. My destination? Greenville, South Carolina and the Allume conference.

I am so blessed to be able to travel to Allume again this year, but this time I attend with a different focus. Last year I went so that I could learn more about blogging, and to potentially grow in my understanding about how to make money from this writing gig. But the reality last year is that God grabbed ahold of my heart in a big way and showed me that all of this was so much less about me and so much more about what I can do for others.

It was and continues to be a gift.

So today as I start the trip again I am filled with anticipation about what God will do. This time around I am excited about the community. I am anxious for long talks with the women who were strangers last year and now have become close friends. Excited to pray over and encourage dreamers that come to our God-sized Dream meet-up.

As I drove I couldn’t help but take in God’s beauty all around me.

Look 1

The clouds were pink-tipped as the sun started to rise. The outline of the tree banks glistened and it was all I could do to not stop and just take picture after picture.

My journey went quickly and I rested for a few moments in MSP before we boarded the flight. Even the view from an airport waiting room chair can be beautiful if we are able to take in the blessings all around.

Look 2

Can you see them…whatever your view today, can you count the blessings?

In the air I thanked God once again for the opportunity to travel, for my family that supports me and handle all the things while I am gone. For a safe flight, with a beautiful view.

If I look, I always find the blessings.

I can be a negative Nelly. I really struggle against it. But if I look, if I am just open to seeing with God’s eyes, the gifts abound.

I don’t know what God has in store for the next few days. I am praying once again that my agenda will be left at the door and His will come through loud and clear.

Help me to see Your will Lord. May I always be open to looking for You in each moment.

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In Him, Kristin

31 Days of Finding God – A GSD Post On Being Deeply Rooted

Waterfall 1

I love how nature can teach me so many lessons about my life and my faith walk.

When my family and I were vacationing this summer we took a drive through Spearfish Canyon, in Spearfish, South Dakota. It is a beautiful drive with several places to stop and explore. The canyon walls in places were very steep, and trees littered the landscape.

I started to notice that there were several places where very large trees stood standing with the majority of their roots fully exposed. Rain and washout of the canyon foundations left the roots open to the elements.

And yet the trees stood strong, seemingly unfazed.

Waterfall 2

At one point in our drive we pulled off to hike to a small waterfall. Here too I found several places where the trees foundations had been washed away, yet the roots seemed firmly planted deep in the ground.

Ephesians 3:14-19 “For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, 15 from whom every family[c] in heaven and on earth is named, 16 that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19 and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.”

I am sharing the rest of this story over at God-sized Dreams today, will you join me there?!

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In Him, Kristin

31 Days of Finding God – SECOND

Thank you for joining me in my series 31 Days of Finding God. Each day I am going to use a prompt from Kate and incorporate that into how I am finding God in my everyday!

CarToday’s prompt is Second!

I have struggled all day to come up with what to write about in regards to the word prompt for today. I had a few ideas but the felt so forced. I thought that I might have to skip a day…and then God opened my eyes once again.

Today Dominic and I went to pick up Karlena from dance. As we were leaving the parking lot Dominic told me to stop. Behind us was a women who was attempting to back up and as she started to move he noticed that she had a terribly flat tire.

He jumped out of the car and went over to her. She didn’t speak english well, but he pointed out her tire and she said she would just drive to a gas station and fill it up.  He told her that  she shouldn’t drive on it or she would risk ruining the tire completely. We have a portable compressor at home so he offered to go get it and come back to help her.

I hadn’t even noticed her there. If I had been alone at that pickup  I would have driven away, completely unaware.

How often are we given opportunities to see and yet we are so wrapped up in ourselves that we miss it?

We came back with the compressor but it became apparent that the tire wouldn’t hold air. So he offered to put on her spare tire instead.

Changing a tire isn’t an easy job, but even Karlena got in on the fun.

Car 1

Of course, as it seems with most jobs, things didn’t go as planned. One of the lug nuts was stripped so he couldn’t put them all back on.

Car 4

Once it was on as best as he could make it, he offered to follow her home so we made sure she made it there safely.

I was so proud of him.

And I don’t write this post just to brag about him. (Even though I think he is pretty awesome)

Even more than that I was so aware of how in that moment Dominic put his plans, his time, second to help someone else in need.

God gives us opportunities to do this all the time.

But how often am I too busy, too rushed, to self-consumed to notice that there might be someone in need?

Today by my husbands simple actions I was reminded once again that I need to live my life with my eyes open. Watching, seeking, and praying that God would put people in my path so that I might have a chance to be a light.

We have been given so much, and of whom much has been given, much is required.

I don’t want to miss it because I am so focused on me, me, me. Lord help me to put my needs, my wants, second and to focus on shining Your light to those around me.

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In Him, Kristin

31 Days of Finding God – FEAR

Thank you for joining me in my series 31 Days of Finding God. Each day I am going to use a prompt from Kate and incorporate that into how I am finding God in my everyday!

Fear Graphic

Today’s prompt is Fear!

I have struggled with fear for longer than I can remember not struggling with it.

It takes on different shapes and sizes, both rational and irrational.

It might be the fear of something terrible happening to my children, believing the “worst case scenario” when Dominic can’t answer the phone when he is travelling, fear that I will fail, or our business will, fear that I don’t and won’t measure up. Most of these are pretty crazy, but all something that I have dealt with over time.

So what can we do? I know that the enemy uses lies to manipulate me into being more fearful and it has to stop!!

When we are filled with fear we need to respond by arming ourselves with the truth! (<====Click to Tweet)

The best way that I have found to arm myself with truth is to look to the Bible for what God says about fear.

Deuteronomy 31:6 –  “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”

God goes WITH us. ALWAYS. Even when we are afraid and feel alone, God IS there.

Psalm 27:1 – “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?”

Having an understanding of who God is, how great His power and majesty is…knowing that He is the stronghold of my life should bring comfort shouldn’t it?!

Hebrews 13:6 – “The Lord is my helper, I will not fear. What can man do to me?”

Yes we will have troubles in this world, the Bible says that too. But ultimately I should be putting my faith in what I know. God has redeemed me through the blood of Christ. No one can take that away from me. People may slander my name or bring harm to me or my family…but in the end I WILL spend eternity with my Savior, my helper and stronghold. The God that goes before me is with me until the end.

Today that brings me peace.

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In Him, Kristin

31 Days of Finding God – HONOR

Thank you for joining me in my series 31 Days of Finding God. Each day I am going to use a prompt from Kate and incorporate that into how I am finding God in my everyday!

Noah 1

Today’s prompt is Honor!

Honoring God is not something I do well. Especially when I am being asked to do something hard or seemingly impossible.

My pull would probably be to act in a dishonorable way, repent and seek to do it right the second time around. : /

In the Bible we have an example of someone who was a very honorable man of God.


Noah 4

I was recently sent a children’s book to review by Handlebar Marketing. Noah is a wordless picture book for children and adults alike. The pictures on each page are stunning.

Because there aren’t any words, it allows the opportunity for the reader to share the story in their own words. While I know the “traditional” story of Noah, I wanted to re-read it in Genesis again with fresh eyes. See Genesis 5:32-10:1 to read the entire story for yourself!

First of all, the story starts that Noah was 500 years old when he fathered his 3 boys. How had I never remembered that?!

Second it talks about how wicked man had become. Men and women that weren’t honoring God and God regretted that he had created man. BUT Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.

Because Noah had lived in an honorable way, righteous and blameless in God’s sight, God came to Noah and said that He was going to send a flood that would wipe out all humanity, all creatures. He then asked Noah (who was over 500 years old!!!) to build an ark.

What I found new in this story (to me ) was that God was very specific with Noah, specific about the size, the rooms and levels. The animals that he was to bring with. While the request may have seem crazy, God guided every step!

Noah 2

The Bible says that when the flood waters came Noah was 600 years old! The animals came that the Lord commanded and God shut them in the ark. And the waters prevailed for 150 days. Noah sent a dove out to find dry land, once the dove returned with an olive branch Noah knew that there would once again be dry land.

Noah 3

Once on dry land, Noah being an honorable man, gave up a burnt offering to God and God was pleased and made a covenant with Noah and future generations.

Genesis 9: 9-11 “Behold, I establish my covenant with you and your offspring after you,  and with every living creature that is with you, the birds, the livestock, and every beast of the earth with you, as many as came out of the ark; it is for every beast of the earth.  I establish my covenant with you, that never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood, and never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth.”

Sometimes making the right choice is hard. We may have to work, to trust God in the unknown, follow His plan even when it feels crazy or impossible. But when we do, we honor God. And like Noah we will be richly blessed because of it.

This book would be a beautiful addition to your children’s library. What a fun way to tell this important about being honorable to God, to your children.

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In Him, Kristin

**Disclosure – I received a copy of Noah from Handlebar Marketing for free in exchange for my honest review of the product. All opinions expressed here are my own.**

31 Days of Finding God – TASTE

Thank you for joining me in my series 31 Days of Finding God. Each day I am going to use a prompt from Kate and incorporate that into how I am finding God in my everyday!

Taste and see

Today’s prompt is Taste!

Can I be honest with you for a moment?

I REAAALLLY don’t like difficulty. I know, who does right?! But oh how I struggle most in my faith during these times.

I read stories of women who’s first response to crisis is “God is good, He is still the same…I will trust Him.”

My typical first response is “Why me God?!”

And then as I was reading on  Psalm 34:8: “Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good!  Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!”, I was challenged by a idea. “Make a trial, an inward, experimental trial of the goodness of God. You cannot see except by tasting for yourself; but if you taste you shall see.”

You cannot see except for tasting yourself. (<====Click to Tweet)

As I ruminate on those words I can think of many times in my life that I did face a struggle and in hindsight I was able to see every.single.place where God was working, involved.

Yes it is usually in hindsight, because my natural response has been “why me?!”, I don’t always see and feel God’s presence with me in the thick of the struggle. It isn’t because God is not there, it is likely because my focus is on the problem not the solution.

My faith has grown BECAUSE of the trials I have gone through. (<====Click to Tweet)

I had to taste God’s hand in my life to be able to fully see His goodness.

So while I don’t always appreciate the struggle, I have found more about God through those times than other times in my life. And for that I am grateful.

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In Him, Kristin

31 Days of Finding God – LONG

Thank you for joining me in my series 31 Days of Finding God. Each day I am going to use a prompt from Kate and incorporate that into how I am finding God in my everyday!

Fall 2

Today’s prompt is Long!

Today after I picked the kids up from daycare we took a little detour on the way home. I had seen the tree pictured above on a street nearby and wanted to see it again before all the leaves fell off.

It is a magnificent tree. Beautiful red leaves, shining in the sun. It is one of the things I love most about this time of year.

It is also a reminder that winter is close on our tails. If I am complaining about the 40 degree weather predicted for tomorrow what am I going to do when it is 10 below?!

You see there always seems to be a longing in my spirit for something more. Do you ever feel that too?

If it is hot, I long for the cooler weather. If it is cold, I long for the warmth of the summer sun. It seems as though I am one who will never be satisfied.

I find this true in so many areas of my life….feeling that longing for more and a dissatisfaction with what I do have.

But that isn’t how God calls us to live is it?

He wants us to find our hope, our security, our comfort and happiness in Him. No matter what is going on around us.

Instead of longing for what I don’t have, what I think I may want or need to make me feel better, I should look for all of the reasons that I have to be grateful.

A supportive family, a successful business, opportunities to connect with people from our church, exciting adventures ahead for our oldest son, Allume right around the corner!!! 😉

All blessings. Each and every one of them.

As I seek to know God more, I am praying that the longings of my heart would be centered around a deeper knowledge of Him.

That I would count my blessings more often than I count my wants. That I would seek to have a heart that gives unconditionally out of love for others and seeks to be a blessing because I have been so richly blessed.

Yes my heart longs for more, but may my longing be to find God in each moment of my day. Because there I believe I will be filled completely.

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In Him, Kristin