Category Archives: God Sized Dreams

An Amazing Announcement

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Oh friends do I have some exciting news to share with you! A dream in the making for sure and I am just on my knees humbled and honored to even be a part of it.

At the beginning of 2013, as you may remember, I was chosen to be a part of Holley Gerth’s God Sized Dream Team. There were 99 of us and somehow in those first few months my now friend Christine from Living Joel 2:25 put a call out to the entire group to see if there were any people interested in starting a little “Mastermind” sub-group. A place where we could encourage one another and bounce ideas off each other etc.

10 of us women from all over the country, with different lives and backgrounds, responded.  It was a blessing to be a part of it and we found this group a place to share prayer requests and lift one another up.

Then, one day in May, Christine came to us and said she had something that was nagging at her and wouldn’t let go. An idea for a website. A place where dreamers could connect, encourage one another, get inspiration etc…

We had all learned so much from our 5 months under Holley’s direction and encouragement and we didn’t want to see it end. Christine felt God was calling her to start this website and she invited those of us in the Mastermind group to participate if we were interested.

I can’t honestly share all the details (there isn’t time!!), and all the small miracles that we experienced along the way. And the roadblocks – oh the roadblocks! At times we wondered if this site would ever launch!!  We had “our” plan, but we continued to place the site, its contents etc., in God’s hands.

We have been praying and praying over the details and finally felt that it was time to set this ship to sail and see where God takes it. Fully ready or not – sometimes we have to give up the reins a bit and take that leap of faith.

So today it is my great honor to share with you an amazing new website called God-Sized Dreams.  I can’t even believe that I am getting to be a part of this!! “Officially” I will be the sites Prayer Team Leader and a monthly Contributing Author! A God sized dream of my own for sure and such a blessing.

Our prayer is that this will be a welcoming place for dreamers at every stage in the journey. Over the next few months, if you choose to follow along with us, you will have an opportunity to meet all of my fellow dreamer friends that have helped make this site possible.  And I know that you are going to love them like I do.

In addition, we will be accepting guest posts and having fun giveaways and connecting you with dreamers who are walking in God’s plan for their lives – I am so excited about how God will use each and every woman that comes by. Oh the stories we will tell!

Finally, tomorrow (December 31st) we will be having a link up for all dreamers to share about their God Sized Dreams – so if you have a blog, we would love for you to join in the fun!

2014 is the year that dreams will be setting sail, will you be joining us?!