It is my huge honor to share with you a woman that is largely responsible for this space here. Holley Gerth is a writer and best-selling author and founder/creator of the God Sized Dream team that I have had the privilege to be a part of.
When I was chosen to be a part of the God Sized Dream Team (exactly 1 year ago today!!) I felt called to start this space here devoted to writing and sharing about my faith. I have been blessed in abundance as a result of this GSD team and just thank Holley for allowing me to be a part of her dream chasers team.
At Allume Holley spoke at one of the breakout sessions about finding “Brand You”. She did an amazing job despite the sound difficulties they were having! There were a couple of things she said that really stuck with me….
“God doesn’t want the next “anybody”….He wants the uniquely created you!”
And “Our brands are NEVER about us. First God, then those we serve, then us”.
Don’t you just love that?!
In a world where the focus seems to be “What’s in it for me”, Holley reminds us that we need to be seeking what God’s plan for us is and how we can use our unique gifts for His glory!
She has such a heart for women, of encouragement, and I really wanted to share more of who she is with my readers because I know you are going to love her as well! So I asked her if I could do a little interview of sorts and she said yes!!
So grab yourself a cup of coffee, or hot chocolate if you are like me, find a comfy place to rest and get to know my dear friend and mentor.
To start tell us a little about yourself, your family, your favorite flavor of coffee!
Thanks so much for inviting me to hang out on your place today, Kristin! I’m a God-sized dreams girl who loves encouraging the hearts of women through words. I’ve been married to my college sweetheart, Mark, for thirteen years. The closest thing we’ve got to a kid is a beagle-basset named Katie {aka “The Beast”}. I drink my coffee without any cream or sugar and just about any flavor will do! A cupcake on the side is always a bonus.
Encouragement seems to be your super power – has this always come naturally or is it something that has developed over time?
I think the answer is “both.” Even back in Junior High I remember writing little notes to my friends like, “10 Things I Like About You.” My grandparents had a Christian bookstore and I would always come home from visiting them with cards and other kind of encouragement to share with my friends. As the years have gone by, God has helped me grow that gift and I’m so glad I get to use it to write books, blog, and serve as a life coach.
What led you to dream chasing?
A few years ago my friend Stephanie Bryant and I started (in)courage, a web site we said was like God’s beach house for women. We were both at DaySpring at the time and long story short, we watched God do the impossible. After experiencing that kind of adventure, I wanted more. There’s no better place to be than going where God wants you.
How has your vision of a God Sized Dream changed?
My husband and I have a verse sitting in our office that says “Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life” (1 Thess. 4:11). I’ve realized that God-sized dreams are just as often found in the ordinary, unknown, and everyday as the moments when you may be in a position that’s more public. Ultimately all God-sized dreams are about this: loving Jesus, loving others, and loving yourself.
What is one piece of advice you would give to the dreamer that feels discouraged?
You don’t have to prove yourself. I spent years trying to gain approval and acceptance. No matter how much I did or what I accomplished, it never felt like enough. And God let it be that way for a purpose because he wanted me to come to a place of knowing I could never earn love—I could only receive it. Your dream is not about a destination. It’s about a relationship. And that’s just as real today as it will be on the day your dream comes true.
Tell me about becoming a life coach and what is one benefit that could be gained by working with a life coach?
I have a masters degree in counseling and worked briefly as a private practice counselor. While counseling is about the past and healing, life coaching is about the future and growth. I realized that was more of my sweet spot and became certified. Now I coach women all over the world. Life coaching is about moving forward and seeing tangible results in your life. But it also makes sure those results come from a place of encouragement, strength, and taking hold of who you really are and what God has for you.
Finally what’s next on the horizon for you and how can we be praying for you?!
What a sweet question! I have another book releasing next Spring called You’re Going to Be Okay. And I’m writing another one that will come out a year later. So I would appreciate prayers for the words I’m supposed to put on those pages. Also, no one has it all together and I struggle with days of discouragement, doubt, and feeling a bit drained just like everyone else. I’d love to have prayers that as I continue pouring out, God would also continue to fill me back up. And friends like you, Kristin, are a big part of that! Thank you!
Holley Gerth
Isn’t she just awesome?? Holley has to be one of the most humble and caring people that I know. And today is an extra special day because it is her birthday!! So would you please stop on over at her place and give her some birthday love?! 🙂 Holley you are a blessing in so many ways – I am praying that God fills your cup to overflowing this year!