Author Archives: kasmith03

31 Days of Fervent Prayer – My Passions

Fervent Prayer

“Passion is the fuel in the engine of your purpose.”  Priscilla starts our look into the ten different strategies that the enemy uses to draw us away from God and stifle our attempts at fervent prayer by talking about our passions.

What are the things that you are passionate about? Those things that stir your heart, the God-inspired activities that you pursue because you can’t imagine not doing them?

For me I am passionate about writing, and I have a heart for missions. I have a passion to unite women and create an environment where all feel welcome and find encouragement.

The enemy is well aware of the way God has equipped me to follow my passions, and he will stop at nothing to make sure I feel discouraged and disheartened if I pursue them.

A little over a year ago I approached a couple of other women in my church and asked if they would be interested in starting a women’s ministry at church. We didn’t have anything official in place and I felt like it was a need that the women of the church could benefit from.

We had a few activities planned and they were so much fun. We hosted a movie night and watched “Mom’s Night Out” and even did a painting class and marveled at the artistic ability of so many women in our church!

I felt inspired and excited at all God was going to do with this group of women. Unity was forming as I began to get to know so many people I hadn’t known well before.

I guess I should have known the attack was coming. I wasn’t praying over it, I was hardly praying at all really. I was in that place where everything on the outside looked good and put together…but my heart told another story.

Much of my undoing was a result of pride, this claiming of my role in the success.

I had stopped praising God for all the ways He was moving, thanking Him for fueling this passion He placed in my heart.

Behind closed doors I was becoming more and more embittered. I held unreasonably high expectations of those closest to me and became discontented with everything in my life. When I was confronted with my behaviors, I pointed fingers and blamed. I was unwilling to see that I was causing hurt and thought that because I was doing something good for the church that I must be “good” as well.

And so one day I walked away from it all.

I didn’t want to deal with the ugly, so I thought quitting everything that I loved was the answer, but what really needed to happen was a heart change.

And so just like that, everything that I was passionate about was gone and I was mad.

Mad at God, mad at my family…but you know, not once did I consider that the enemy might have his hand in all of it!

The enemy whispers lies, he is cunning and manipulative, he fuels pride and discontentment.

If we are not engaging in fervent prayer as we pursue our passions we are setting ourselves up for certain failure.

Yes God calls us, He fills us with His passions for our lives. But as we move forward in those passions we need to be in constant prayer. Prayer to remain humble, prayers giving glory to the One who started it in the first place. Prayers for guidance and prayers for protection.

I will share tomorrow the incredible way that God redeemed this entire situation. He is the reason that I am writing today. A gift He gave me and I always want my words to honor Him.

But for now I encourage you  to examine your passions. Take some time to write them down. Where is God calling you, and are you praying about those passions? Is there any heart work that needs to be done so that you can follow them?

And come back tomorrow as I share a little more of my journey!

Lord, Thank you that You have filled our hearts with different passions. Help us Lord to walk in those giftings in a manner that will bring You honor and glory. In Jesus Name, Amen.

31 Days of Fervent Prayer – The Great Accuser

Fervent Prayer

“Satan is a full-time accuser. He does it day and night, the Bible says (Revelations 12:10). Instead of convicting you for the purpose of restoration, as God’s Spirit does, he condenms you for the purpose of destroying, humiliating.” Fervent p28

For a long time I believed that God was punishing me.

I found myself in a hard marriage (much my own doing) but instead of taking responsibility for my part in the problems, it was easier to blame God and believe that the reason life was so hard was because I was a sinner.

Pregnant before we were married I had sinned in the ultimate way, I believed. God couldn’t and wouldn’t love someone like me and so with every trial we faced I saw it as a punishment.

It is hard to build a solid relationship with a God that you feel is punishing you 24/7.

And isn’t that right where the enemy wanted me? For years I was deceived and my relationship with God was distant and strained.

Oh God was always there and I know now that He loved me right through that time…but I kept God at arm’s length. Sure I would pray when I needed something (He was my spiritual vending machine remember?) but my prayers were not filled with love and awe for Him.

They were empty and selfish prayers. The prayers of someone who was stuck in the mire of lies from the enemy.

Yes there were choices I made that brought me to a place of conviction, but instead I saw it as condemnation.

Shame has been a tool that the enemy has used against me for years.

Until this past year, I wasn’t even really aware of it either. But I spent some time reading a book called “Tired of Trying to Measure Up” and the core focus of that book was how shame can shape who we are.

I understood shame in my earliest years, although I wouldn’t have labeled it as that. I felt in my heart that I was not ok. No one said that to me that I can remember, it was just a pervasive feeling I have always had.

Enter awkward teenage years, bad hair, braces and glasses…I was not what you would consider “popular” and I so desperately wanted to be more.  So I tried to be the smart girl instead. But I wasn’t the smartest. I was painfully shy so things like theater or swing choir, while appealing, were not something I could try out for.

The enemy knows my fears and I was an easy target. Even today I struggle with feelings of inadequacy. And while I can more easily call them out for what they are…it isn’t easy walking as though they don’t bother me.

Priscilla says this “He (the enemy) warps your perspective on the current events in your life until reality appears much worse and more desperate than it truly is.” p29

What situation is he warping in your life right now?

It may be really bad, I have been there. I’ve walked through the really bad…so I am not trying to write it off as unimportant. But what if, in these moments, we stopped acting in crisis mode and started to pray that God would reveal His perspective?

I imagine that the chains the enemy has had me in for so long would start to be broken if I stopped seeing life as another crisis and started asking God to show me the way forward.

We are going to be faced with difficulty, the Bible says that in John 16:33! But read the second half of that verse…“But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

Satan is the great accuser yes, but God IS the MIGHTY REDEEMER!

The battle has already been won. The enemy is just hoping that during your journey you would be filled with more stress and doubt than peace. But God has already had the final word and one day we will understand all things clearly.

So for today, whatever battle you face…step forward in prayer. Ask God for clarity and wisdom. In whatever you are doing, invite God to reveal His truth to you. The accuser will continue to come at you but you can fight back in prayer!

Lord, You are mighty and we claim the promise today that the battle has already been won. While the enemy may still attack us we can remain firm in Your Truth. Help us in our moments of doubt and fear to seek You first. We know Lord that when we call out to You, You hear us. Thank you that we don’t have to walk this path alone. In Jesus Name, Amen 

31 Days of Fervent Prayer – Where to Start with Prayer

Fervent Prayer

There have been moments in my life where my prayers were more like demands. God – do this, and if I was feeling generous…God PLEASE do that! Other times I have found myself speechless, unsure of what words are even appropriate for a certain situation. I have questioned if I am doing it right because my prayers didn’t seem to be answered.

It is easy to get caught up in the “how to pray the right way” mentality. And for someone like me that can be taken to an extreme. I get over focused on doing it perfectly that I forget that this is my opportunity to commune with a Father who loves me.

So I share this model that Priscilla introduces as just another way you can approach prayer. You don’t have to do it this way to do it “right.” But if you are anything like me, there are times that my mind can wander and I get off track. Praying one minute, thinking about the items I need to add to my grocery list the next.

This model helps me stay focused and also keeps me from sending up only demanding prayers.

Throughout the book Fervent, Priscilla uses this model to encourage us to be more specific in our prayer life, it helps ready us for the daily battle.


P – Praise

This is our opportunity to spend some time thanking and praising God for who He is. I often thank God for the beautiful creation we get to experience every day. The sunrise and the rains that nourish our ground. I see God so much in nature, so it is one of the easiest ways for me to thank Him for who He is.

R – Repentance

Boy do I need to spend some time with God each day asking for forgiveness! Ha! 🙂 But really, come at this time in prayer being willing to recognize your part in things. If you have Christ in your life you are already forgiven. The debt has been paid. But understanding that sacrifice leads us to having hearts of repentance. I know when I have messed up, been hurtful with my words or had a short temper with one of my children. God already knows it too.

We aren’t confessing something that God doesn’t already know, but it is those times we are convicted by the Holy Spirit that we come and repent of those sins and thank God for His grace. In these times of real honesty with God I am sharing the lesson I learned and am often overwhelmed once again by how much He loves me, even though I am a constant hot mess!

A – Asking

When we ask in prayer we are submitting our specific needs to God. Who are we praying for, what is their specific need? As I said before I used to spend my asking time demanding MY will in the situation. I have found that it is better for me to be praying in God’s will instead of my own. This is where walking out my faith is put to the test. Will I trust God even if the answer isn’t what I had hoped?

In so many instances I have found that God does answer my prayers…and not always as I had hoped, but always for my best interest. We are just not equipped to see like He is. How often I need to remind myself of that!

Y – Yes

Here is where Priscilla recommends that we end our prayers with agreement in God’s word. Praying scripture is yet another way that we can add power to our prayer time! One of my favorite verses is Ephesians 3:20 “Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us…”

How often in a time of crisis am I worried about the what-ifs? When fear starts to creep in I will pray this verse in my prayers. Remembering that God can do far more than we had ever hoped or imagined. Some days that is all I can cling to. But I would rather hold onto hope from His word than anything this world tries to offer me!

Prayer doesn’t have to be hard. And maybe there is a method of praying that has worked better for you? I’d love to hear about it! Just remember that this is a place to start if a fervent prayer life is something new to you. God will reward our faithfulness and the more we spend time with God the closer our relationship will be with Him. And that is the ultimate goal!

Lord, we thank you for the gift of prayer! That You created prayer as a way to commune with You. Thank you for loving us that much. You are never out of reach, we can always access You! What a gift! So often I take this time with You for granted. I rush through my prayers demanding MY will and MY wants instead of taking into consideration that You know what is best for me. Thank you Lord that You are so abundant with Your grace. Lord there are women here today that may be struggling with this topic of fervent prayer. Pour out your presence on them today. May they feel strengthened in their relationship with you by beginning to be obedient in prayer. You do give us more than we could hope or imagine Lord, and while I don’t always remember that during times of difficulty, have seen it play out in my life time and time again. Thank you for your faithfulness Lord. In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen!

31 Days of Fervent Prayer – Putting on My Armor

Fervent Prayer

I think it was one of those mornings when I just woke up on the “wrong side of the bed.”  The reality was that I hadn’t done anything to fight against it. I didn’t attempt to get up early for some much needed quiet time. I didn’t pray in the shower like I sometimes do. Instead I just had a spirit of irritability.

Ever been there?

It probably doesn’t matter what someone else does or doesn’t do…it wouldn’t be right regardless. Everything is annoying or makes you angry and it is hard to find joy!

I was just in that foul mood and surprisingly it took most of the day into the late afternoon before I realized that I had let the enemy run a muck in my heart. And when I became aware I was MAD.

Seriously, not again! What in the world is my problem?

Here I am almost 5 times through the reading of a book FOCUSED on prayer and the schemes of the enemy and I was walking around angry at the world and blaming them for my bad attitude.

Sometimes I want to give myself a good scolding.

I should know better, but here’s what I realized once again. I hadn’t been preparing myself for the daily battle. I wasn’t in communication with God. I wasn’t walking in Truth. I was floundering trying to control everyone and everything around me.

It is a humbling moment when you find yourself there once again. Once again Lord here I am so very sorry for my behavior and ready to start again.

Thank God for grace right?

In Ephesians Paul talks about how we should prepare ourselves for this battle we face against the enemy every day.

Ephesians 6: 10-18 says: 10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. 14 Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. 16 In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; 17 and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, 18 praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints.”

What struck me most the first time I read this was “with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one.” The enemy is firing rounds at us ALL.THE.TIME. And they hurt, they burn! And if we aren’t prepared they will wound us.

It is not in my own might that I am able to stand against the enemy – but God’s. 

He is the one that will fight on my behalf, but I MUST take on His protection over me. The belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, being ready by the gospel of peace and the shield of faith,the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit.

Man if I had put on even one of those things that morning, imagine how much differently it might have turned out!

And so, armed with Truth I can start my day over again. Seeking His protection as I walk this journey. Knowing that the enemy WILL come, but I don’t have to go into battle unprotected! Don’t forget friends that this is a spiritual battle. So often we try and handle things on our own with little to no success.

I don’t want anger and emotions to rule my day, but instead I want to be filled with the peace of God’s spirit. Don’t we all?!

Lord, we come to you weary from the battle. We confess that we have tried too often to fight by our own strength and we are beaten down by the enemy. Forgive us for not turning first to You Lord! Help us to each put on our armor, Your armor Lord that will protect us from all the enemy has to fire at us. Thank you for loving us so much that you protect and provide for us. Our hearts are ever grateful for new beginnings and grace. In Jesus Name, Amen.

31 Days of Fervent Prayer – Having a Prayer Journal

Fervent Prayer

My mom recently brought me some things that she found in my old room. Included were a couple of worn notebooks. Filled inside were the prayers of a young teenager. I read through several of the pages and almost burned them (I still might)!

The cries of my heart at that time were so juvenile. A desperate need to be loved. Whether it was this boy or that…I wanted a “relationship” with someone. A wanted to be told that I was special. My prayers for a boyfriend were often not answered in the way I had hoped. I had many boy friends, but very few that wanted to “go out” with me.

As embarrassing as those notebooks were, they were evidence of a love for journaling  and record keeping that has been with me for years and years.

I had prayer journals in college where I prayed big prayers for my now husband. And in 2008 when I started my family blog, it became an online cry of my heart. Writing has been an outlet for me to share my faith, my hopes and dreams and even at times, my biggest frustrations.

A few years ago I heard about Mark Batterson’s 40 Day Prayer Challenge. He wrote about circling your prayers. Writing them down and circling them in prayer until you had an answer. I loved the idea and every morning I would get up early and listen to one of his devotionals and then spend time writing out the prayers I had for myself and my family.

I loved Priscilla’s story about her grandmother’s prayer journal. And the reason behind all of her recording was simple. “So I won’t forget.”

How often have I whispered a prayer, and then when it was answered, moved on…even forgotten how it was answered?

When I take the time to write out my prayer requests, and the answers, it helps me remember all the ways that God has been faithful to respond.

Even in those teenage cries, He heard and He answered. Thankfully He didn’t always answer in the way I hoped. What’s that old Garth Brooks song…“Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers. Remember when you’re talkin’ to the man upstairs. That just because he doesn’t answer doesn’t mean he don’t care. Some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.” 

You’re welcome by the way…that’s one of those that will be stuck in your head all day! 😉

But there is so much truth there.

Sometimes the prayers God doesn’t answer the way WE think best, are the greatest gift.

Life gets hectic, years run together and I start to forget.

I forget all the ways God has been faithful. In times of crisis I need to remember the last time I felt hopeless and out of control. I need to remember that He was there, remember the way He took my ashes and made them into something beautiful.

The enemy would like nothing more than to erase the miracles from our memory.

When we journal our prayers we leave a legacy of God’s goodness. A testimony to all He has done, something for our family to read that may just strengthen their faith. We just never know what God can and will use to bring someone to Him.

So I encourage you today that if you haven’t ever written out a prayer, that you start. It doesn’t have to be pages and pages. Keep it simple. Do what works for you. But write them down, so that you won’t forget either!

Lord, Thank you for answering our prayers even if they aren’t in the way we had hoped. We want to be people that remember and tell of your goodness. Prayer journaling is a way to do that. Stir in our hearts a joy for not only prayer, but also in sharing all the ways that You have been faithful to answer. May the recording be a way to bring You glory and honor. We love you Lord. In Jesus Name, Amen.

31 Days of Fervent Prayer – My View of Prayer

Fervent Prayer

As I have studied prayer I have come to realize that my view of prayer, why we pray, how to pray, what to pray about has been skewed.

Often times prayer came as a last resort.

Crisis would happen, I would be in that place again and I needed help. I had essentially tried everything in my own power to manage and control a situation and found myself broken and hopeless. I would pray for God to “fix it” and hope He would answer my prayer in a way that was acceptable to me.

God was my spiritual vending machine.

When I needed a fix I would go and ask for a handout. I didn’t spend time praying every day….only when I finally needed help.

I don’t believe that I had ever considered that prayer was an opportunity for me to be prepared for battle against the enemy.

Have you?

As we move through this book Fervent we will discover that the enemy does everything he can to pull us down, but we don’t have to enter into those situations defenseless. We can have a plan for strategic, fervent prayer!

But God can’t be my after thought, my last resort. He needs to be my first choice, my only defense. {<===Click to Tweet}

Priscilla says this “If all we’re doing is flinging words and emotions in all directions without any real consideration for the specific ways the enemy is targeting us and the promises of God that apply to us, we’re mostly just wasting our time.” p4

The first few times I read that sentence I was focused on the the ways that the enemy was targeting me. I was completely ignoring the promises of God. It is easy to get wrapped up in the mess.

It is where the enemy wants us stuck in. The hopelessness, the fear, the anxiety and what-ifs.

In those moments we aren’t thinking about God’s promises are we? When I am focused on the burn of his fiery darts I am forgetting about the truth that the battle has already been won. God has already redeemed us, our situations. He has already defeated the enemy.

The enemy will lie to us and tell us that we can’t trust God, our broken will never be fixed. But it IS a lie! The blood of Jesus has already covered our sins. We are promised life with Him in eternity.

So in those times where I am filled with fear and doubt, I need to be praying His truths out loud! And just like I need some daily exercise {we are working on that next} I also need to spend time every day in prayer.

When we are working to build a new friendship, we invest in it by spending time with that person. The more time we spend, the deeper the intimacy that is shared, the more personal the relationship.

This same idea goes for our relationship with God.

If I want to know His truth, His heart and love for me, I need to invest in a relationship with Him.

Prayer is the easiest way I have found to do this. Sometimes I share my heart, profess my love for Him. Sometimes I am frustrated and I tell Him so. (It’s ok…He can handle it!) Other times I am speechless, in awe of what He is doing in my own life or the lives of those I love. I use prayer as my way to commune with Him.

The more I do it, the more {like exercise} it becomes a habit. And as the relationship builds, the less I see God as my “fix my need” machine and instead He is becoming my “I can’t live without You” Savior.

I know I don’t do it perfectly, and there are days even now that I realize I haven’t invested in Him at all. But God is patient with me, and always there. And what a gift that is!

Lord, I don’t deserve the love You have for me. And yet…I am convinced it is there. I stand amazed and overwhelmed. Stir our hearts for more of You. That we would come to see that prayer would be as necessary as breathing. And in those times where we are facing a battle we can know, without a doubt, that You are there. The fight has already been won. Help us to bring our weary hearts to You. Every day. In Jesus Name, Amen

31 Days of Fervent Prayer – Developing a Strategy

Fervent Prayer

At the beginning of this process I didn’t really think that I needed a strategy for prayer. I mean, don’t you just pray? But the more I have studied the book the more I am convinced that the enemy will do ANYTHING to keep us in chains and if I am going to fight against that I need a plan, a strategy to fight back!

Because if I am being honest, prayer had become more of an after-thought in my life. “God please help me…”, “Lord, fix so-and-so wouldn’t you? Life would be easier for me if You would fix them.”

I didn’t pray the hard prayers because I wasn’t willing to walk through an answer that may mean work on my end!

I wanted to say the “easy” prayers and have things neatly wrapped up in a nice, pretty package when I was done.

But these words from Priscilla struck a deep chord within me, “We simply don’t have the luxury of playing nice with prayer. Not if we want things to change. Not if we want to be free – from whatever’s keeping us held down and held back. Not if we want our hearts whole and thriving and deep and grounded…different. Not if we want to reach our destinies and experience God’s promises….” p3

There is more and with each sentence I could hear my heart cry “yes!” Yes we want freedom from those things that keep us bound in chains. Yes we want clarity and direction for our husband and our children. Yes we want to walk in God’s calling for our lives.

But she goes on to say that we won’t see any of those things come to fruition if we aren’t praying with precision.

Just as a commander plots and plans his teams next move in a battle, so must we approach those areas that we most need God’s help.

So I ask you what is the greatest stronghold in your life today?

Where is the enemy attacking you, your home? Your marriage or your finances?

I discovered that the root of so many of my heart issues stemmed out of fear.

It is the weapon that the enemy has used in his arsenal against me time and time again and quite frankly I am tired of it!

Fear of the what if, fear of the worst case scenario, fear that holds me stuck so that I can’t move forward and allow God to work in me because I believe that the “what-if” scenarios will come true.

We will look more closely at fear a little later in our study, but for me it has keep me from the free and abundant life that Christ has for me.

So what can we do in these situations?

First I need to fight back in those fear-filled moments with prayer.

Ask God to reveal truth, look up and prayer actual scripture over your stronghold. I love 2 Timothy 1: 7 “for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”

What ever your stronghold is, know that it is a not from God. God doesn’t want us to live in fear, bound in chains. The enemy does, he thrives in the lies that you will never change, you can’t trust God. He wants you to believe that your what-ifs WILL come true.

But if we can begin to fight back in prayer, with a strategy that gives us power – the enemy is going to flee from the powerful woman that you will become!

I love the hope that is found in the pages of Fervent. And as we continue on we will discover more specific ways to march forward. But for today I encourage you to spend some time thinking about those things that keep you bound and start asking, boldly for God to break any chains you may find yourself in!

Lord, we thank you for the gift of knowledge. For the opportunity to develop a battle plan to fight against the enemy’s attacks. We know Lord that You are with us and I ask that You place a hedge of protection around the women walking this road. Strengthen us all and break those chains that keep us from the full freedom that is found in You. In Jesus Name, Amen.

31 Days of Fervent Prayer – An Introduction

Fervent Prayer

I have to be honest, a year ago I never thought I would be writing a series on prayer, much less a month long, every day series! But it is where I find myself and after reading the book Fervent by Priscilla Shirer 5 times now in the last year…it just seems where God is calling me.

I believe that there is power in prayer and I think with some time and practice we can have a flourishing, fervent prayer life. I wasn’t always convinced of that though, and for many years prayed for one selfish reason only – to get what I thought I wanted and needed.

When things didn’t go my way I became bitter. I believed that maybe God wasn’t hearing me, or even worse, I wasn’t worthy of getting an answer. Those lies permeated my thoughts and I started to push God away.

What I have discovered from studying the book Fervent is that the enemy wants nothing more than to keep us weary, bitter, distracted, frustrated etc. Anything to keep us from praying powerful prayers. Anything to keep us from a deep relationship and trust in God.

The enemy knows how powerful fervent prayer is and when we are praying in that power, we are a threat!

My prayer over the next 31 days is that we could do a little learning together. If you want to follow along in the book with me that would be wonderful. I will be sharing some of the lessons that I have learned about prayer in the last year and I hope you will share yours with me too!


I was originally sent the book Fervent to review and write a blog post about it. I read the majority of the book on a plane ride to Florida for a girls weekend away in September of 2015. Little did I know that the following 9 months would be some of the hardest, most difficult and growth-filled months that I would walk through.

I was challenged by the first reading, encouraged to dig deeper, but ultimately didn’t do anything to follow through. Nothing really changed, not at that point anyway.

Sometimes we have to hit our bottom before we can be humbled and broken enough to start doing something different. And early last Fall that is just where I found myself. I was desperate for change in my own heart and honestly tired of praying the same “rescue me” prayers.

They felt empty and they were. Desperate, selfish prayers because I didn’t want to be uncomfortable any more. I found myself in a battle in my marriage because of my angry outbursts. I had hurt those I love in a deep way and in those first few months things seemed pretty hopeless.

I prayed time and time again that God would change me and yet I would keep making the same mistakes over again. What was wrong with me?!

Sometimes when we navigate the waters of life we need a little extra help, and so we spent some time with a recommended Christian counselor and I also spent many lunch hours confiding in my pastor’s wife.

Can I just pause for a moment and say this…it shouldn’t even need to be said but it is something that I had to learn for myself. There is no shame, whatsoever, in seeking help if you need it.

My pride kept me isolated for far too long and my natural responses to life had become so flawed that having a third party involved was necessary and ultimately life changing. If you are there, don’t wait to seek help. There is no shame, just freedom waiting for you!

One day at lunch Marlene said that she had this vision of an antique key in her mind, that God had given me the key to freedom in Him…but I needed to make the choice to go ahead and use it.

As I read through Fervent a second and third time I realized that the book was that key for me. In a powerful way, Priscilla lays out the schemes of the enemy and a detailed battle plan on how we can stand firm and fight back!

When the ladies Bible study I am a part of decided to read Fervent together this summer, I woke one morning and started to write a 12 week study guide to accompany the book. It was fully God-breathed and was the push that I needed to dive in even further and do this series.

The first day of the study I brought an antique key for each of the women in the group. I wanted them to have a tangible reminder with them that they too have been given the key to powerful prayer.

I’d love to be able to sit across from you today and hand you a key to have in person. But since I can’t, consider this your virtual key. This is your invitation to walk forward in all that God is calling you to. An opportunity to develop a prayer lifestyle that will transform your home, your family and your marriage.

You may find yourself doing some hard heart-work, like I have, as you move through this book, but there is freedom and joy that will be discovered in the process. I can’t wait to get started!

Join me?!

Friday Loves on Tuesday

Friday Loves

Ok so I know it is Tuesday and NOT Friday…but I couldn’t get a Friday Loves post up this past Friday…and with October right around the bend, I thought I would share some Loves early mid-week instead!


Fervent Prayer

I am really excited about the series that God placed on my heart for this October. This will be my third year participating in the series. Writers from all over the globe commit to writing/posting every day for 31 days during the month of October. After leading a Bible Study on Fervent in my church I felt led to also write a series for October! I have several posts pre-written and hopefully will be able to get the remaining posts done for the end of the month! I would love it if you would join me in exploring the topic of fervent prayer!

Five Minute Friday Book


Over the years I have participated in the flash-mob of writers who join every Thursday night to write for five minutes on a specific topic. It has been awhile since I have written but about a year ago I heard that they were putting together a book of Five Minute Friday pieces and I submitted one for consideration! I, along with 150 other writers, are included in this amazing book! What is even more awesome is that all the proceeds from this book will go to benefit 2 different charities. You can find out all the specifics over at Kate’s blog. You can purchase the book at Amazon here.

From the Depths We Rise


I have been following Sarah’s blog for over a year now so when I was contacted by my friends over at Icon Media with an opportunity to review Sarah’s new book, I jumped at the chance! I started reading it this weekend and it is SO GOOD. This book is a memoir of Sarah’s journey through some of the most difficult and life altering circumstances. She writes with such transparency, unafraid to discuss the hard and sometimes unanswerable questions…and yet does so with such grace.   Sarah’s faith in God, even in the face of her worst nightmares coming true, will challenge you to examine your own faith as well. She is a reflection of the truth that God never said that this life would be easy, but He would be with us the entire time and our hope should be in the promise of his redemptive power over all of our troubles. This is a book that you want to read, and follow her blog too…a beautiful soul who is bringing light into this dark world! You can purchase your copy on Amazon here.

Dayspring Nativity Hurricane Trio


The Dayspring Hurricane Candle Trio is one of my most favorite items that I display in my home. I initially purchased it for Christmas, but I love it so much I honestly leave it up on my shelf all year round! Today and tomorrow only, Dayspring is having a flash sale and the Trio is only $50! And will ship for free!! If you have ever wanted to have this for your home, buy it today! You will not be sorry!!

So what are you loving this week? I’d love to hear all about it in the comments below!!

Truth Your Heart Needs


As women, we can be our own worst critic, can’t we? And if you are like me and suffer from feelings of inadequacy, it can be easy to question EVERYTHING. Should I do this, what happens if I don’t do that…and guilt, oh the guilt we allow ourselves to feel. Man I am tired of the guilt! 🙂

As I approached this past weekend I was tired. Like exhausted. We had a terribly busy week, Dominic had been on the road for 3 days so I was doing the single parent routine. And every moment that Dominic was home seemed stressed to get things done that we needed to do.

I felt like the kids had suffered from our crazy schedule and there were still so many things on our home to-do list. A few weeks ago I purchased a ticket to the Beth Moore Simulcast that a local church was hosting. Several women from my old Bible Study were attending and I wanted to be there. It was the first time since they started hosting this simulcast that I actually bought a ticket and planned to go.

But after our week I found myself questioning if I should go or not.

It was only a $10 ticket, but I had committed to going. I didn’t want to let anyone down…and yet I felt strongly that I needed to spend the time at home. Late Friday night I made the decision that I wasn’t going to go. There was a project at home that needed my attention…even more than my need for spiritual teaching from Beth Moore.

Saturday was busy, and not really restful, but it was good.

Our 3 youngest kids have been sharing a room since Isaac left for college. It is a large space so that wasn’t the issue…but Gabe was getting frustrated with the little’s inability to pick up their messes. He wanted his own space. A place that could be his, and clean!

So we worked on getting Gabe’s old room back into his new room. And then, in the big room is a large closet. Elijah has been asking for a “special space” that would be his own for 2 years now. With Gabe’s help we pulled out everything from that large closet and spent the day purging, cleaning and sorting so that storage could be in one part of the closet and a special space was created in the other.

Bean bag chairs and curtains finished off the space and the littles squealed with delight when they saw the finished space. As I was tucking them in for bed they said that they appreciated all my hard work and loved their new space.

I realized that I was just where I needed to be that day.

So I posted a status update on FB about my day and how it had all worked out, and then forgot about it. At church on Sunday a friend found me and thanked me for what I shared. She too had struggled with whether she should attend the simulcast or not and chose her family instead. She was questioning her choice a little but then saw my post about staying home and it was just what she needed.

She said that it is good when we share the honest looks at our life because we never know who might need to read them. Isn’t that the truth?!

It is one of the reasons I blog…typically I have a “failure” type of story to share…how I did it wrong, so learn from me kind of wisdom. And I do that because for SO LONG I felt alone. Isolated and certain that everyone else had this life figured out and somehow I had missed the memo on how to get there.

We need to encourage one another, tell the truths that our hearts are longing to hear!

My dear friend Holley Gerth has written a new devotional called “Do You Know You’re Already Amazing” – 30 Truths to set your heart free. If you have ever read any of Holley’s books or blog posts you will know she writes as though she is sitting across from you, sharing life. As a woman who has struggled with knowing who God created her to be, Holley understands the unique way that women need to be encouraged. In person, she is an embodiment of grace and kindness, she is a true gift.

This devotional is her newest offering, that I think needs to be in the hands of every woman. Filled with short pieces that not only encourage but challenge, this devotional is the perfect way to start out each new day.

Using stories out of the Bible, Holley reminds us that if God can use people with “dark” pasts in the Bible, certainly He can use us as well. Each days’ writing ends with a couple of questions for reflection and consideration.

Those sections at the end are called “Truth for your Heart.” Because Holley recognizes that so often we fill our thoughts and our hearts with lies and then we get stuck. In these places we can search our hearts for any lies we may be holding on to and humbly ask God for the wisdom and clarity we need to move forward in freedom.

Oh friends, it is good stuff!!

So as you start this new week I encourage you to be real with one another, drop the guilt you may be carrying and equip yourself with some truth and encouragement for your journey by picking up a copy of this book!

Happy Tuesday friends!