Author Archives: kasmith03

31 Days of Finding God – KNOW

Thank you for joining me in my series 31 Days of Finding God. Each day I am going to use a prompt from Kate and incorporate that into how I am finding God in my everyday!


Today’s prompt is Know!

I started a new Hello Mornings study today and we are looking at the book of Matthew. Today we were asked to read Matthew 1: 1-25 and consider the character of Joseph.

As I read I was immediately struck at the fact that Joseph had a dream where an angel told him to make Mary his wife and when he woke from his sleep he did what the angel of the Lord commanded him.

He didn’t question if it was real or not (at least the scripture doesn’t tell us that)…he just woke and did as he was commanded.

Now I haven’t yet had a dream where an angel told me to do something that God was commanding…but if I did would I wake and do it? Why did Joseph?

I believe that it is because Joseph KNEW God. He knew his character, knew what was true about God and the prophecies about His Son.

He didn’t question what he was being asked to do because His Father was doing the asking.

If we want to hear God’s voice, we need to spend time getting to know Him. (<====Click to Tweet)

I am honestly not great at this. I am getting better, but I know I could do so much more.

Find something that works for you, whether it is a bible study, time in prayer, worship music…spend time getting to know God.

When we know Him, and we do hear His voice, we won’t question what we are being asked.

I remember a situation when I was getting ready one morning and had been praying and a thought came to mind that I needed to do something very specific for someone. It seemed like a crazy idea…but I acted on it. I reached out and learned that morning a prayer request was being made for the exact thing I thought of….

It was a total God moment and I was blessed to be a part of it.

God works through us. But we have to have willing hearts to hear His message. I don’t think I would have heard that message if I hadn’t been spending time in prayer with God each morning.

Spend time getting to know God, and in doing so it opens up so many opportunities to be His hands and feet.

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In Him, Kristin

31 Day of Finding God – STUCK

Thank you for joining me in my series 31 Days of Finding God. Each day I am going to use a prompt from Kate and incorporate that into how I am finding God in my everyday!

Take Heart!

Today’s prompt is Stuck!

I shared yesterday that I am a Type A personality to the core. I appreciate routine and knowing what is next. I like to be comfortable, who doesn’t right?

But I have found in my relationship with God that when I am not challenged to seek Him, when things in my life get too comfortable, I start thinking I have everything under control and I need Him less and less.

I can get stuck in a pattern of only seeking out God when times are bad, I use God as my 1-800-Helpline only. And I forget to offer thanks for the many blessings in my life.

Several years ago I found myself in a very difficult situation. I couldn’t understand why God was always silent. Didn’t He hear my desperate pleas for change? You know the kind of change you pray for when you want God to fix someone else (because they are the problem right?!)

I was sure that if God took care of the “problem”, my life would be roses.

It wasn’t until I came to a place of complete willingness to seek change, even if it meant the change needed to start with me, that I sought God with ALL my heart, in ALL situations.

As a result I have seen lives changed, relationships restored and redemption brought to the most hopeless of situations. God is so good!

I try to have a heart of gratitude towards all that I have seen God do in my life. Because I don’t want to get stuck in that place again where I can’t see His goodness, in spite of what is going on around me.

God is good ALL the time.

When we struggle and when we celebrate. God is good. Throughout this series so far I have been seeking to find God. Even if life isn’t perfect, I know He is present. He is present in the prayers of my many faithful friends, He is present in the encouraging words left on a Voxer message. He is present in the smiles on my kids faces.

The world around us will never be perfect. There WILL be struggles, the Bible tells us that. But I hold fast in the promise that Christ has overcome all of it. His shed blood offers redemption and hope. So if I have to be stuck, may it be in a constant seeking to know Him more. 

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In Him, Kristin

Photo Credit: Jimmy Mcintyre

31 Days of Finding God – LEARN

Thank you for joining me in my series 31 Days of Finding God. Each day I am going to use a prompt from Kate and incorporate that into how I am finding God in my everyday!

Pathway to Peace

Today’s prompt is Learn!

There are lessons that I learn the first time around, and then there are others that apparently need some repeat sessions so that they settle deep into my soul.

One of those repeat lessons is the idea of letting go of control, letting God do the work I can’t, and finding peace in the process.

I am Type A to the core. I like things my way. I load the dishwasher a certain way, have a routine in the morning that doesn’t change much…and when I face struggle or difficulty I want to know what’s going to happen and when…and I want an outcome that is most pleasing to my comfort.

But time and time again I have discovered that there are certain situations where I have to be willing to let go of control and trust God with the end result.

These lessons don’t come easily and I usually fight for control until I am at my breaking point.

A dear friend reminded me today that I don’t have control. I just don’t. But God knows the outcome and if I can be content in my relationship with Him, first and foremost, then whatever happens in my life I can trust that I will be ok.

I will be honest, I want easy lessons. I want to learn the hard stuff the first time. I would rather not have to be given opportunity after opportunity to practice giving up control. 🙂

But in addition to being Type A, I am apparently stubborn as well so I am sure that I will be faced with the lesson again. Am I going to fight for MY control, or let God take the reins of my life and lead me on His path?

A hard lesson to learn, but one that leads to peace in the process.

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In Him, Kristin

31 Days of Finding God – NEW

Thank you for joining me in my series 31 Days of Finding God. Each day I am going to use a prompt from Kate and incorporate that into how I am finding God in my everyday!


Today’s prompt is New!

Last weekend my husband helped me with a fun project. I had these large letters from Dayspring but I wasn’t sure how or where to hang them. My duct tape idea failed and proved that duct tape isn’t always the best solution! Who knew?! 🙂

So Dominic suggested building a frame for the letters to sit in and on Saturday he set to work. He built it and I painted it. I love how it fills our room. It is a daily reminder that because of Christ ALL things can be redeemed.

But sometimes even though I know that fact, I still wonder if the promise can be true for someone like me?

Because the reality is, I mess up all the time.

I say things that hurt feelings, act impulsively, hold grudges and snap at my kids. And that was just in the last 24 hours! :/


But this afternoon I was reminded that even when we don’t deserve grace, it is offered to us. I was extended grace and a chance to start over new.

I have to tell you that I hate that I have so many examples of how badly I mess up. I never wanted God to get me so much “material” this way! 🙂 But if the mistakes and subsequent redemption from them can ultimately lead to seeing God’s glory…well it is worth it.

Each day, each moment, we are given the opportunity to start over again. These new beginnings need to start with repentance, and a willing heart for God to make us a new creation in Him.

So that is my prayer for myself today. That I would be seeking God, with an open and willing heart to do the hard work. Work that will honor the One who made this all possible.

In Him, Kristin

31 Days of Finding God

31 Days of Finding God – VIEW

Thank you for joining me in my series 31 Days of Finding God. Each day I am going to use a prompt from Kate and incorporate that into how I am finding God in my everyday!

IMG_8572Today’s prompt is View!

Yesterday I ran away.

There are some circumstances in my reality right now that I am not handling well (and it’s all me, me and my attitude, my perception, my negativity, my unwillingness to see the blessings.) In fact, if my view of things were different I probably wouldn’t be writing this post right now.

Instead I am sitting in my van, in a State Park close to my home, because I needed a change of scenery.

So I ran away.

I ran away from reality because I felt like I couldn’t handle it anymore.

I think that I have struggled for a long time with an inability or unwillingness to look at the positive side of life. I don’t know what it is exactly but my view of things at times feels skewed.

Everything around me could be perfect but I would find the one thing to feel negative about. It is something that I have struggled with and prayed about. Something that I’ve wrestled with God about and something that has driven me to run today.

So I ran away because I needed to see things differently. I needed to try and find a place that I could be alone with God and find a new perspective, a new view.

I did tell my oldest son and husband where I was going and when I would be back…don’t worry I am not completely insane. I grabbed my computer and my journal and my camera and headed in the direction of the State Park.

Just as I got onto the road it started to downpour. Out of nowhere, and with blue skies all around, it was raining so hard that it was difficult to see the road. But as quickly as it started, it stopped. The road was wet but the sun was shining. A reminder to me that sometimes it may feel like I am caught in a storm, but the reality is the storm is in me and the world around me is sunny and bright. My focus has become the rain.

When I got to the park I grabbed my camera and went on a hike. I took almost 60 pictures. The leaves are changing and it is beautiful.

I found a trail and I started walking. Walking and praying. Asking God to let me see all things through His eyes. That my view might not be marred by my own selfishness, irritability, and short temper. That I would be able to see the blessings in each moment and that I wouldn’t let the enemy take a foothold on me.


I believe that through God anything is possible and I claimed the promises of His righteousness, His strength, His power. And so as I walked, I praised His goodness and asked that He do a new work in me and through me.

Towards the very end of a the trail I heard a noise. I looked up and right in front of me were 2 deer. I walked slowly around the corner and they let me get pretty close to them. It was amazing.


It felt like a little love note from God (Right Delonna?!)

I don’t have an answer to what is next…but I know that God goes before me. I know that if I want to change my perspective, my view, I need to be in prayer constantly,  seeking to see with His eyes. My own view is oppressive and ugly.

Because so often my view is skewed by the condition of my heart. (<====Click to Tweet)

Ouch right?!

But it is reality for me and something that I know God is working on in my character right now.

Can I be content in ALL things, even when my view is clouded by the troubles of this world? I am not good at this yet. In fact I am pretty downright lousy at being able to be content in ALL things.

I want my focus to always be on the blessings in my life. To seek and find the positives in all situations. But when my heart is full of selfishness and frustrations, well positive is about the last thing I see.

Instead I have to go to God with an honest heart, ask forgiveness for my weaknesses and ask Him to change my sight. Help me see Lord with Your eyes.

May my view of my life and those around me be one of thankfulness and wonder. Because with God I have the opportunity to see all things in a new light.

In Him, Kristin

31 Days of Finding God

31 Days of Finding God – MOVE

Thank you for joining me in my series 31 Days of Finding God. Each day I am going to use a prompt from Kate and incorporate that into how I am finding God in my everyday!

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Today’s prompt is MOVE!

I have a deep dislike for exercise. I am not the type that looks forward to it, or enjoys it while it is happening. I have always said running is for when you are being chased…it just isn’t my thing.

But, I am turning 40 in less than 4 months. Crikey I know! 🙂 And while I am not unhappy with my upcoming age, I have noticed that maybe I could benefit from a little exercise, especially as I age.

So yesterday morning I decided to get up and move.

We have an elliptical, so I really have no excuse. So after my morning devotional I jumped on and “fast-walked” for 20 minutes. For those that don’t know, a “fast-walk” is slower than a run, but faster than a stroll. I averaged a good 12 minute mile…not my proudest time but I was moving none the less.

I find that when I am doing things like this I spend my time in prayer. And during my walk I was praying over my family and kept coming back to this idea.

Sometimes to find God, I have to get up and move towards God. (<==== Click to Tweet)

For years as my husband and I struggled to hold together our failing marriage and family life I sat around an expected God to come to me. I wanted Him to “fix” things, to just come in and make it better.

When that didn’t happen I got resentful. I figured that I had messed up so much that God didn’t want to deal with my problems.

I never once moved towards God.

I didn’t open the Bible and get to know about the heart and character of God.

I didn’t find time to pray (except when I wanted a quick fix.) I stood fixed, unwilling to change and expecting everyone else to do it for me.

When I finally reached that point of desperation, I moved to my knees.

In that space, I found Him.

God hadn’t ever left, but I was finally able to see how much I needed Him and that I needed to start seeking Him completely.

Those moments, when we move towards a willingness to give up control, are life changing. (<====Click to Tweet)

I found God again after so many years away when I was ready to move towards doing something different. My hope in this series is that if you are feeling desperate and alone, you might also see that you are not alone in your struggle.

In Him, Kristin

I will be adding a link to each days post at the bottom if this first post so you can easily find all of them in the series. Thanks again for joining me!

Day 2 – VIEW

Day 3 – NEW

Day 4 – LEARN

Day 5 – STUCK

Day 6 – KNOW

Day 7 – GO

Day 8 – SAY

Day 9 – JOIN

Day 10 – CARE

Day 11 – TEACH

Day 12 – REST

Day 13 – WORK

Day 14 – AWAY (Some Allume Pre Conference Fun)

Day 15 – LIFE

Day 16 – ADJUST

Day 17 – LONG

Day 18 – TASTE

Day 19 – HONOR

Day 20 – FEAR

Day 21 – SECOND

Day 22 – A GSD Post on Being Deeply Rooted

Day 23 – LOOK

Day 24 – FMF Allume Style

Day 25 – Enjoy

Day 26 – Visit

Day 27 – Free {An Awesome Giveaway}

Day 28 – Wake

Day 29 – Unite

Day 30 – First

Day 31 – Leave

Well this is a first….

The past few months have been interesting to say the least. With an eye surgery and a packed work schedule, and frankly a loss of words, this space has remained relatively silent.

Earlier this month I started seeing talk about Nester’s 31 Days series. This is the 6th year (yes I am a bit behind the times) that she has been doing this series. The idea is to pick a topic and write every day for the entire month of October.  Feeling a nudge I joined the FB group a few weeks ago but then I didn’t do anything else.

I don’t have a post prepared, or a schedule, or anything….except for an idea that came early this morning when I was exercising. That hadn’t happened much lately either…so big steps here today! 😉

The idea is this.

Seek God, find Him. Find Him in everything. The big stuff, and even more, the small.

So starting tomorrow I am going to do just that. I will be writing everyday (or at least really really trying to do so) and will be seeking God and sharing what I find here. I will also likely be using the writing prompts that Kate Montaung has come up with. She has encouraged the Five Minute Friday writers to join in and write for just 5 minutes each day.

Five minutes of writing each day about finding God. 

So I hope this will be fun for all of us, and would love to hear how you are seeking and finding God!

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Overrated {A Review and Giveaway} #OverratedBook


Can I be honest with you?

Sometimes I am all talk. It sucks to admit that, but it is true.

I have a passionate heart for others. I have blogged here before about difference causes I support and believe in. And I DO believe in them.

But you know what else?

Blogging about it, maybe donating $50 here or there feels good, and at times feels like I am doing enough.

But am I?

Could I do more – of course. But do I? Because in doing more I may be asked to step out of my comfort zone. I may be called to give bigger, go places I am afraid of, serve people in my community….am I ready for that?

In his book “Overrated”, Eugene Cho tackles this very subject. In his own words, “I like to talk about changing the world but I don’t really like to do what it takes.”

Yep…the tag line of his book caught my attention in a big way.

Because if I am honest, this is me.

I have always said that I want to DO something with my life. Make a difference, BE a difference. But what am I doing about it? Not much I am afraid.

Eugene Cho wanted to start living what he was preaching. “Overrated” is his and his families journey to doing more. He challenges the reader to research and understand the causes they support and then get out there do the work.

“We owe it to ourselves to be prayerful, knowledgeable and committed to being experts on the work and conviction to which we feel called. While we may never fully get there, it’s a life long commitment to be a learner. This is, in essence, what it means to be a disciple.”

And these words hit home as well..(I am telling you this is a tough book, tough because it IS convicting but in a good way! I needed these words!)

“Don’t ask people to pray if you’re not willing to pray.”

” Don’t ask people to fast if you’re not fasting.”

“Don’t ask people to serve if you’re not willing to serve….”

I have blogged before about a cause I believe in, but then actually never did much else. Not that spreading awareness is a negative thing. There may be someone who reads our words and it is just the cause they feel called to help. But to be an even greater example, I need to be willing to forge ahead myself first!

Here’s the thing, and the point of this book – be aware. Be aware of why we are telling the stories we are. Why we write about causes we love, is it to make change or make us feel better? Are we willing to do the hard work ourselves, and not for our glory but for God’s? “Let’s not just tell a good story, let’s live a good story.” 

“Ideas, dreams, and visions don’t change the world. Rather, it’s people – like you and me, who faithfully, prayerfully, and tenaciously live out these ideas, dreams, and visions – who change the world.”

Eugene is someone who has struggled with these very issues, he writes with honesty and transparency and challenges the reader to think differently. I was fortunate to receive a  copy of this book from FlyBy Promotions in exchange for my honest review.

They are also giving me a copy to give away here to one lucky reader. So to enter please leave a comment sharing one cause/charity that is near and dear to you! Winner will be chosen on Friday October 3rd.

Check out the book trailer here:

Official Website
Disclosure: Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway. Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and not infulenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post. Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway. If you have won the same prize on another blog, you are not eligible to win it again.Winner is subject to eligibility verification.

I had PRK surgery – My Experience Part Three

Thanks for sticking with me on this journey through my PRK surgery. If you are just joining me you can read my all about surgery day and some of the heart work I have had to go through up to this point and finally my first week after surgery.

Here I am at 3 weeks post surgery!


Knowing that I wouldn’t be driving for another whole week until I was checked again at week 2 was almost unbearable. I know, what a baby I am, but I wanted my freedom back!

It was hard to tell each day if there was much difference. At times I felt like things were really clear, and then the next day things would seem to regress back. One day my right eye was good, and the next my left. Over the course of almost 3 weeks now my left eye is consistently less clear than the right.

My time on the computer has gotten much better, my eyes seem to be adjusting faster and don’t get as tired as they did in week 1. It isn’t perfect like when I wore glasses, but it is getting there and the bonus is I don’t wear glasses anymore!

At the week 1 visit my eye doctor did some refraction testing, just to make sure that the blurriness I was seeing couldn’t be corrected with glasses. Good news, it can’t, which basically means that I need to let my eyes heal. If it had turned out the other way it may have meant that the correction either wasn’t enough or was too much…so I am grateful that it is just an issue of time and healing.

At week 1 the cloudiness I experienced initially is completely gone. If you research PRK you will find that there is a drug commonly used called Mitomycin C. It is applied during surgery and is used to prevent hazing that sometimes comes with PRK. The waiver I had to sign scared me, some of the stuff I read online did as well…that was one of the hitches I initially had.

After the surgery was done I asked if they had used that drug and they didn’t. Vance felt that it wasn’t necessary because they didn’t have to remove much of my corneal cells to get the correction I needed. I was relieved, but initially those first few days I wondered if that had been a mistake! Today the hazing is completely gone. Praise God!!

I don’t know that I ever said this before…my vision before the surgery was 20/200 and 20/300 with astigmatism in both eyes.

At week two I was hopeful. Although I knew things were still fuzzy, for the most part I felt like driving shouldn’t be an issue. I tested 20/20 in my right eye (although it was fuzzy and not crisp) and 20/50 in my left. My left eye was also giving me some double vision. I only noticed it when I covered my right eye, but it was there and made reading the eye charts very difficult.

But I was cleared to drive in the day time. She said to use my best judgement at night, and until a few nights ago, almost 3 weeks from the date of surgery, I had not driven after about 6pm. It wasn’t worth the risk, especially in deer country here!

Tonight I drove across town…maybe less than 5 miles. I was impressed with how clear everything seemed and also that there were no issues with starbursts. (Another common side effect.) I have to believe that each day it IS getting slowly better, I just am not noticing it maybe?

My next check will be on October 1st, at 4 weeks. I am very curious to see how things look then and will be sure to post an update here.  When I saw her at 2 weeks, I had just finished all of my steroid drops. She did recommend that I use the re-wetting drops a couple of times a day (the preservative free, single package ones) but honestly my eyes rarely feel dry, so I forget that I need to use them.

I did not suffer from dry eyes prior to the surgery. I understand that if you do you could experience more issues after this type of surgery…it is something that they tested me for early on. I am also still taking those Thera Tears supplements that are supposed to help with the moisture in your eye. So is that helping, or is it placebo effect? I can’t really say! 🙂

I was talking to my mom last week and said I am not sure yet if I can say that I would recommend this specific type of surgery to someone. If Lasik had been an option for me I would have jumped on it with no reservations. After watching how things were for Dominic, how he saw 20/15 the 2nd day, didn’t experience the changing vision or much light sensitivity…if I could choose that would be an obvious choice.

Although I did my research, prepared myself for what could happen…having it take this long HAS been frustrating. Knowing it is normal doesn’t really make it any better either. I wanted to be better than normal! ha! 🙂 If you don’t have someone available to help with your driving for up to 2 weeks, the grocery shopping etc., if you have a job that is all day at a computer and you can’t take some extended time off…even part time, this surgery may not be for you right now.

Of course everyone heals differently. I met someone who had 5 bad days and then experienced great vision after that. That was not the way I experienced this. It has been a slow process so I guess I would say if you can really be comfortable with the “waiting”, then I do believe that the end result is totally worth it.

I think the point is that before you make the choice to have any elective surgery like this you need to research, understand the risks and possible healing time etc., and make sure that this is the right choice for you.

Do I regret having the surgery?

Not at all. I know soon I will  have the vision I once had with glasses. And I won’t have glasses, and I LOVE that. Seriously I can’t say how often I think that I am glad I am not wearing glasses. All the time – so I am glad I did the surgery. I also had a great support system, from my husband to the doctors who answered my questions, to my family who helped with things when I couldn’t. That has made all of this much easier!

So that brings us to the present. I will post again about my 1 month appointment when I have it!! Thanks for reading and if you have any questions please leave me a comment and I will answer them based on my experience!


I had PRK surgery – My Experience Part Two

Thanks for sticking with me on this journey through my PRK surgery. If you are just joining me you can read my all about surgery day and some of the heart work I have had to go through up to this point.

I wanted to use this post to try and describe the days and now few weeks after my initial surgery date. I had surgery on September 4th, 2014. As I described before it was fast and painless.  After doing a bunch of research I was concerned about how bad the recovery would be the first 4 days. I read those were the worst days and people described it as anywhere from extreme light sensitivity to burning, itching and constant watering of the eyes.

As any good office manager would do I scheduled a couple of client meetings for Dominic in Sioux Falls on the afternoon after my surgery. All work and no play apparently…so he brought me to my parent’s house so that I could relax there after the surgery was done. We had lunch and I was feeling pretty good, didn’t even need sunglasses. Everything looked hazy to me. Like I needed to blink away a covering over my eye. I have heard others describe it as having wax paper over their eyes, and that is a pretty accurate description.

I slept for awhile and then got up again and really felt good. I wasn’t having any pain at all. I am allergic to codine and typically they prescribe Tylenol 3 after PRK surgery just in case. I knew that I couldn’t take that so Tylenol/Advil were my only options. Thankfully I didn’t really even need those!


My poor selfie a few hours after the surgery. I look a little miserable.

I was worried about the bandage contacts getting dried out as I slept, so I did set an alarm the first few nights at 2am just so I would get up and put the rewetting eye drops in. On the 3rd night I thought I didn’t need to set the alarm and when I woke up both contacts felt like they were slipping out of place. Rewetting drops helped get everything back to normal.

My worst day was Saturday (Day 3). I had to wear sunglasses in the house in a darkened room. I spent most of the day on the couch listening to a book on tape and only got up to do my drops. A lazy day for sure. I was lucky because my mother-in-law volunteered to take the kids with her to their house for the weekend so that I could have quiet to rest and recover. This really was a blessing, so if you are considering the surgery and have kids I would recommend you ask for help for those first few days.

My vision remained cloudy for the entire weekend. It was pretty blurry as well and I wasn’t feeling confident that when I got the contacts out that I would be seeing the 20/40 required. The doctor thought that I would be driving by Monday (day 5), but when I was checked I just wasn’t there.

I was devastated.

Because my surgery experience was so good and I didn’t really experience pain I thought that the time it would take for my vision to return to normal would be fast. In my case that hasn’t happened.

I understand this is normal. My eye doctor says that the cells are healing, my eyes look good…but because I had the PRK, it can take anywhere from 2-5 weeks to get to 20/20 vision…and even then there are people that don’t achieve that until 3 months.

I knew this going in, yet I believed that this wouldn’t be my reality. So it has been a frustrating few weeks only because I had some unrealistic expectations that weren’t met.

I was checked at 1 week and still no driving. I believe at that appointment there were tears. I was NOT handling being dependent on others this much. I missed picking the kids up from school, I wanted that few 5 minutes alone on my way to the school. I wasn’t supposed to get checked again until the 1 month mark, but when things weren’t as hoped at 1 week, my eye doctor said that she would check me again in a week.

The worst part the entire first week was seeing at the computer. The white, bright background with black letters was almost impossible to read. If I were to go do it all over I would have not scheduled any clients meetings the entire week after my surgery and just taken time off. I stained to see clearly, and got headaches because I had to constantly move back and forth to try and get some clarity.

That is one reason these posts didn’t happen sooner…I couldn’t spend a single moment longer than I needed on a computer.

I do wonder if my rushing back to work slowed my healing at all…had I spent more time resting my eyes, would things have changed sooner?

I am going to end here again, and will come back tomorrow for an update on my week 2 check up and what is next!