I am linking up with Lisa Jo again in 2014 for Five Minute Friday. A time when we commit to writing for just five minutes, and then link up with a community of writers who are doing the same. Will you join us?
Today’s word prompt is: SEE
It was 2010 and I thought I knew where we were headed.
Sure there were big changes and leaps of faith, but we felt confident that God had a plan and we moved forward with great anticipation.
A new job, a move away from all that we knew, a new church and new neighborhood. So much change but I felt confident that we were right where we were supposed to be.
And then in the winter of 2011 the bottom dropped out.
Unexpected unemployment – times two. Reality came crashing down around us and all I could see was darkness.
Hope was out of my reach, I only saw despair. Convinced that God had deserted us, or we had heard Him wrong in the first place I slipped into a deep depression.
How could this have happened?
But then, light.
Courage stuffing down the fear, my husband made some big decisions and a new business was formed.
I could only see the negative. I was convinced that it wouldn’t work, that all was lost.
My husband, he saw opportunity, and He trusted God had a greater plan all along.
It didn’t come easily at first, and has never been without a lot of hard work and determination. Today we are no where that I thought we would ever be. This successful business a part of our family, working together as a team now.
God provided immeasurably more than I could have ever imagined.
I couldn’t see it then, in the thick of what seemed like hopelessness.
But today my eyes have been opened to the many ways that God was at work all along. I can only fall on my knees in thankfulness and praise Him for all He has done.
“I once was lost, but now I’m found. Was blind, but now I see….”
It is amazing how He uses the hardest of times to bring us to a place where our eyes can be opened. Amazing journeys sometimes start from the ashes of all lost. Beautiful words 🙂
Thanks for stopping by Kimberly!! Yes I have seen how God uses the difficult to bring beauty – I just need to remember that next time it happens!! 🙂
Kristin.. once again. AWESOME. :I especially loved the reminder that God is up to more. I cling to that often.. that God is UP to more. I love you and your writings friend!
Your words bring to mind a verse that God has been bring to me over and over again the last year or so: ISA 43:19 See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland.
He is always up to something new even if we are not able to see it.
Thanks for sharing your story and reminding me that all I need is to trust in Him. I don’t have to see the next step.
LOVE this… what a great testimony! I always love reading how and when we remember that He is at work on our behalf ALL the time, not just when it’s obvious and we can see His hand… but He works ALL things together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purposes!
Love that you get to work as a family now! Grateful His plan is so much bigger than what we can see…